
Gouvernance publique


Access to Justice for Business and Inclusive Growth in Latvia

Like many OECD countries, Latvia is taking an innovative, user-centred approach to improving legal and justice services by strengthening the judicial sector and law enforcement authorities This report reviews the commercial, legal and regulatory framework in Latvia, highlighting its impact on businesses and its suitability for different forms of commercial activity. It analyses business’ legal and justice needs, and evaluates the accessibility and responsiveness of public services for business, including dispute resolution mechanisms. Finally, the report provides recommendations to help Latvia better tailor justice services to the needs of business and thus support more inclusive growth.

Published on July 06, 2018


Executive summary
Assessment and recommendations
Overview of the legal system and governance in Latvia
Responding to business needs: Fostering a doing-business enabling framework in Latvia
Centring service infrastructure on business needs in Latvia: a continuum of public services for businesses
Measuring the administrative costs of starting a business in Latvia
Annexes2 chapters available
Reducing founding and operation costs and facilitating modern forms of business and finance in Latvia
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