
Meetings / Conferences / Agendas

  • 9-July-2009


    G8 Leaders acknowledge progress in promoting tax information exchange and transparency

    In a statement following their 8 July meeting in L’Aquila, the G8 leaders stated "all jurisdictions must now quickly implement their commitments... an appropriate follow up framework is needed to fully benefit from this renewed emphasis on tax information exchange and transparency... We ask the OECD to swiftly address these challenges, propose further steps and report by the time of the next G20 Finance Ministers’ meeting.”

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  • 17-June-2009


    G8 Finance Ministers welcome progress in negotiations of agreements on the exchange of information for tax purposes

    In a statement following their 12-13 June meeting in Lecce, ministers urged "further progress in the implementation of the OECD standards and the involvement of the widest possible number of jurisdictions, including developing countries. It is also essential to develop an effective peer-review mechanism to assess compliance with the same standards. This could be delivered by an expanded Global Forum. We also look forward to an update

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  • 29-mai-2009


    Vers une coopération mondiale des administrations fiscales en vue d’améliorer la perception des recettes pour réduire les déficits budgétaires

    Face à la lutte des États contre la crise économique mondiale et aux déficits budgétaires croissants, des autorités fiscales de toutes les régions du monde ont convenu d’un nouveau plan de coopération.

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  • 17-April-2009


    G20 Declaration On Strengthening The Financial System – London, (2 April 2009)

    The material in this declaration expands and provides further detail on the commitments in the statement "The Global Plan for Recovery and Reform".

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  • 17-April-2009


    G20 Working Group on Reinforcing International Cooperation and Promoting Integrity in Financial Markets (WG2) Final Report (27 March 2009)

    Final report of the Working Group 2 in the lead-up to the G20. Outlines recommendations for immediate actions and medium-term actions regarding: regulatory and supervisory cooperation, role of international bodies, and promoting market integrity.

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  • 17-April-2009


    G20 The Global Plan for Recovery and Reform (2 April 2009)

    Communiqué from the London Summit, 2 April 2009.

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  • 29-avril-2008


    L'OCDE annonce qu'il est maintenant possible de s'enregistrer pour la conférence sur le 50ième anniversaire du modèle de convention fiscale OCDE

    L’OCDE vient d’activer le site web de la conférence sur le 50ième Anniversaire du Modèle de Convention Fiscale OCDE ( ) et accepte maintenant les enregistrements pour cette conférence, qui aura lieu à Paris les 8-9 septembre 2008.

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  • 15-février-2007


    OMD/OCDE - 2ème conférence conjointe, 22-23 mai 2007, Bruxelles

    Un forum de discussion pour explorer les idées qui pourraient contribuer à combler l'écart entre fiscalités directe et indirecte sur la valorisation des transactions entre parties liées, et les possibilités de renforcer la coordination entre spécialistes fiscaux et douaniers.

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  • 13-February-2007


    Approval of a mandate for the Joint Working Party No. 1 - Working Party No. 6 Working Group on Business Restructuring, 20 October 2006

    The Committee on Fiscal Affairs created a Joint Working Group of Delegates from Working Party No. 1 on the Model Tax Convention and Working Party No. 6 on the Taxation of Multinational Enterprises.

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  • 13-February-2007


    Business advisory group to the Joint Working Group on business restructurings

    A Business Advisory Group was created to provide input from the business community at the early stages of the work on Business Restructurings.

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