

  • 29-April-2020


    Blog post: Consumption tax revenues under COVID-19: Lessons from the 2008 global financial crisis

    As a result of COVID-19, public life has come to a sudden halt and consumer spending is plummeting. How will this crisis and the policy actions taken in response affect tax revenues? And what lessons can be learned from the previous global financial crisis?

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  • 20-April-2020


    The COVID-19 crisis creates an opportunity to step up digitalisation among subnational governments

    Recent decades have seen rapid growth of advanced digital technologies, including high-speed computing, big data, artificial intelligence, the internet-of-things and blockchain. This “digital revolution” creates significant opportunities for all levels of government to improve the delivery of public goods and services, and to raise more and better revenue.

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  • 3-April-2020


    OECD issues recommendations on implications of the COVID-19 crisis on cross-border workers and other related cross-border matters

    At the request of concerned countries, the OECD Secretariat has issued guidance on these issues based on a careful analysis of the international tax treaty rules.

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  • 30-March-2020


    The economy has changes, so must the tax

    In our modern world, companies are finding it all too easy to game the international tax system to their advantage . It is increasingly incumbent on the global community to create an updated framework to ensure tax certainty and support international trade and investment.

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  • 23-mars-2020


    La fiscalité à l’heure du COVID-19

    Alors que nous essayons de nous frayer un chemin à travers cette crise mondiale, l'une des rares certitudes que nous possédons est que la politique fiscale jouera un rôle important dans la réponse immédiate des gouvernements pour soutenir les particuliers et les entreprises, ainsi que dans les futures séries de mesures politiques et la reconstruction de nos économies, qui aura finalement lieu une fois la crise sanitaire maîtrisée.

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    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 4-March-2020


    Mind the SDG gap: don’t forget sustainable domestic financing

    Domestic resource mobilisation is a priority as a means to increase national capacity to finance the SDGs. Taxes are already the largest single source of financing, and have the potential for growth. As while the average level of taxes in developing countries remains low, countries have shown capacity to expand their revenues.

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  • 19-avril-2018


    La fiscalité à l’assaut de la corruption : ce que peut la coopération

    Pourquoi est-il essentiel de renforcer la coopération entre les autorités fiscales et les autorités chargées de lutter contre la corruption ? Coup de projecteur sur une session du Forum mondial 2018 de l’OCDE sur l’intégrité et la lutte anti-corruption : fiscalité contre corruption, l’enjeu de la coopération.

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  • 13-November-2017


    Blog post: Carbon prices are still far too low to prevent climate change

    Pricing carbon is one of the surest policy means we know for curbing greenhouse gas emissions and meeting the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement agreed in 2015. Has there been any progress with its implementation since then? Not enough, is the verdict of some of the world’s leading experts.

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  • 23-October-2017


    Article: Taxing wages: how taxes affect the disposable income of workers and wage costs of employers in OECD countries

    Every worker and employer is directly affected by taxes on wages. Taxation is one of the principal ways we finance public services. It also helps us achieve important social objectives, such as redistributing wealth to address inequalities. But as the OECD’s annual Taxing Wages points out, tax policies on labour income may have an impact on individuals’ behaviour with respect to the labour market or their consumption habits.

  • 11-May-2017


    Blog post: Raising revenues through carbon pricing can help the poor to pay for their energy bills

    Reducing air pollution and mitigating climate change risks such as storms, floods and sea level rise calls for higher taxes on domestic energy use. Taking one third of the revenues raised through such taxes to fund cash transfers, will make it easier for households to pay their energy bills, not harder.

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