


Water Governance in Peru

While COVID 19 has hit Peru particularly hard, with about 1.4 million cases as of March 2021, the pandemic further emphasised the importance of water and sanitation for health, the environment and the economy. The country is not yet on track to meet the targets of SDG 6 “Clean water and sanitation” by 2030, with 3 million Peruvians (9.2% of the population) lacking access to water services and 8.2 million Peruvians (25.2%) lacking access to sewerage services, and a large urban rural divide. In addition, between 2000 and 2020, floods affected an estimated 4.43 million people, while inadequate management of solid waste and some economic activities are amongst the causes of water pollution, leading to severe public health issues, and social conflicts. In the face of climate change and demographic growth, strengthening water governance in Peru is key for long term water security improvements. The report provides an analysis of water governance in the country and policy recommendations to: strengthen the multi sectoral approach to water; improve the use of economic instruments to protect and sustainably use water resources, its sources and related ecosystem services; and strengthen regulatory conditions to improved access to safe drinking water and sanitation in urban and rural areas.

Published on March 25, 2021Also available in: Spanish

In series:OECD Studies on Waterview more titles


Abbreviations and acronyms
Executive summary
Water resources in Peru: The state of play
Multi-level water governance in Peru
Economic instruments for water risk management
Regulatory framework for water supply and sanitation services in Peru
Annexes4 chapters available
The Ica River Integrated Basin
The Olmos River Basin
The Chillón, Rímac and Lurín River Basins (Chirilú)
List of stakeholders consulted during the policy dialogue
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