
Environnement dans les économies émergentes et en transition

Water Reforms and National Policy Dialogues (NPDs) in the Russian Federation



Year of NPD launch:  2010

Present NPD Chair(s) and strategic partners in the government: Ministry of Regional Development, Ministry of Economic Development, Russian Development Bank

Source of NPD funding: European Union, Evrasijskij (a large Russian private operator), Government of Germany, Russian Development Bank (Vnesheconombank), EBRD, the World Bank

Summary of the main areas of work and achievements.

Priority areas of work and main activities

  • A review of the legal, institutional and regulatory framework for private sector participation in Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS).
  • A review of the economic instruments for water resources management at the federal and sub-sovereign levels.


Key achievements of the National Policy Dialogues (NPDs) to date

  • Due to the vast size and institutional complexity of the Russian Federation, a new approach was used when designing the proposed new NPD process. A pilot region of Buryatia has been chosen to test how the NPD process can support the reform of water policies at sub-sovereign level.
  • The NPD in 2010 was instrumental in reaching a shared understanding among Russian authorities on the framework conditions needed to attract private operators and investors in the water sector. It was influential in changing the legal framework, in particular the Federal Law on concession agreements; the new Federal Law on water supply and sanitation; and a shift to performance-based contracts in the water sector.

Project Progress:


Russia EUWI timeline for NPD page



Further Reading


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