
Politiques et données des migrations internationales


Recruiting Immigrant Workers: Austria 2014

Austria has low levels of labour migration from non-EU/EFTA countries. At the same time, intra-EU free mobility has grown significantly and since 2011, overall migration for employment is above the OECD average. It recently reformed its labour migration system, making it more ready to accept labour migrants where they are needed, especially in medium-skilled occupations in which there were limited admission possibilities previously. This publication analyses the reform and the Austrian labour migration management system in international comparison.

Published on December 16, 2014

In series:Recruiting Immigrant Workersview more titles


Foreword and Acknowledgements
Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary (English/Deutsch)
Assessment and recommendations (English/Deutsch)
Context for labour migration to Austria
Evolution of Austria's labour migration policy
Permanent labour migration to Austria
Temporary labour migration to Austria
The respective roles of labour migration and free mobility in Austria
Matching demand and supply
Supplementary tables and figures
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