
Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des élèves (PISA)

Publications - PISA 2000


Pathways to Success presents the results of a study carried out in Canada which has been following the progress over nearly a decade of the Canadian students who sat the test of the Programme for International Student Assessment in the year 2000.


School Factors related to Quality and Equity
School Factors related to Quality and Equity uses the PISA 2000 data to examine the effect that the structure of education systems has on the performance of 15-year-olds.  It looks at the features of schooling systems such as the grouping of students, the segregation of schools, management and financing, school resources and instructional climate and the effect that these can have on the performance of students.

Messages from PISA 2000
This summary presents the main findings from the PISA 2000 survey and draws upon results published in Knowledge and Skills for Life – First Results from PISA (OECD, 2001), and Literacy Skills for the World of Tomorrow – Further Results from PISA (OECD, 2003), as well as upon four thematic studies: Reading for Change – Performance and Engagement across Countries (OECD, 2002);  Learners for Life – Student Approaches to Learning (OECD, 2003); Student Engagement at School – A Sense of Belonging and Participation (OECD, 2003); and School Factors Related to Quality and Equity (OECD, forthcoming).

Reviews of National Policies for Education - Denmark: Lessons from PISA 2000
The PISA 2000 results shook the belief of Danes that theirs was the best education system in the world. Though spending on education in Denmark is high compared to OECD countries, the PISA confirmed that the quality and equity of outcomes are only average.

What makes school systems perform?
What makes school systems perform? In 2002, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research launched an innovative, multilateral study aimed at linking the results from the OECD PISA 2000 survey to qualitative evidence on important public policy measures. This report covers Canada, England, Finland, France, the Netherlands and Sweden.

Student Engagement at School - A Sense of Belonging and Participation
This report examines several aspects of student engagement at school. The results indicate that the prevalence of disaffected students varies considerably both within and among schools in most countries, and that this variation is not attributable solely to students’ family backgrounds. The analyses also identify some of the school factors related to student engagement and provide evidence that achieving strong student engagement at school does not have to be at the expense of academic performance.

The report offers policy makers a fine-grained analysis of which particular learner characteristics are prevalent in different countries. It also identifies differences between the approaches to learning of various groups, including male and female students, and those from more and less advantaged social backgrounds. The results point to ways in which education systems can focus efforts to help different groups of students become more effective learners. 

Literacy Skills for the World of Tomorrow - Further Results from PISA 2000
The report Literacy Skills for the World of Tomorrow - Further results from PISA 2000, is a joint publication by the OECD and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. It extends the picture that PISA provides to additional countries that joined the programme: Albania, Argentina, Bulgaria, Chile, Hong Kong-China, Indonesia, Israel, FYR Macedonia, Peru, Romania and Thailand. In addition to a wider geographic coverage, the report also provides new insights into the individual characteristics and family backgrounds that students bring to the learning process and how these interact with the resources and practices that characterise the schools they attend. 

Reading for Change: Performance and Engagement across Countries
Following the initial report on the results of the first PISA survey, Reading for Change - Performance and Engagement Across Countries looks more closely at performance in reading. Some countries manage to combine high overall results with relatively small differences among students; in others, there are worryingly large numbers of students capable of only the most basic reading tasks. More specifically, there are particularly wide inequalities, in some countries, in the ability of students to deal with written materials in non-continuous form - such as graphs or forms. Students also show greater differences in many countries in their ability to retrieve required information from texts than when it comes to interpreting or reflecting on information. Such outcomes give clues to policy makers about how their education system might improve.

Knowledge and Skills for Life: First Results from PISA 2000  
Knowledge and Skills for Life presents first results from the PISA 2000 survey. It summarises the performance of students and uses PISA to analyse what factors promote success in education. The report shows considerable variation in levels of knowledge and skills between students, schools and countries. The extent to which the socio-economic background of students and schools affects student performance varies. Some countries have managed to mitigate the influence of social background and some have done that while achieving a high overall mean performance. This is a noteworthy achievement. Will other countries take up the challenge?

This publication describes the OECD PISA 2000 international database. The PISA 2000 database comprises micro-level data on student performance for 32 countries collected in 2000 and processed during the second half of 2000 and 2001, together with students’ responses to the questionnaires and the test questions. The purpose of this publication is to provide all the information required to understand the PISA 2000 database and perform analyses in accordance with the complex methodologies used to collect and process the data. It does not provide detailed information regarding these methods but rather directs readers to the publications which cover these aspects.

The PISA 2000 Technical Report describes the complex methodology underlying PISA 2000, along with additional features related to the implementation of the project at a level of detail that allows researchers to understand and replicate its analyses. It presents information on the test and sample design, methodologies used to analyse the data, technical features of the project and quality control mechanisms. 

Sample Tasks from the PISA 2000 Assessment - Publications 2000  
This report introduces the PISA approach to assessing reading, mathematical and scientific literacy and describes the PISA 2000 assessment instruments in terms of: the content that students need to acquire, the processes that need to be performed, and the contexts in which knowledge and skills are applied. Each of the assessment domains is illustrated with sample items.

Measuring Student Knowledge and Skills: The PISA 2000 Assessment of Reading, Mathematical and Scientific Literacy  
The PISA 2000 Assessment of Reading, Mathematical and Scientific Literacy is the second volume in the PISA series. It introduces the PISA approach to assessing reading, mathematical and scientific literacy and describes the PISA 2000 assessment instruments in terms of: the content that students need to acquire, the processes that need to be performed, and the contexts in which knowledge and skills are applied. Each of the assessment domains is illustrated with a broad range of sample items.

Measuring Student Knowledge and Skills: A New Framework for Assessment  
This report describes the conceptual framework on which the PISA 2000 assessment is based. It defines the domains of reading literacy, mathematical literacy and scientific literacy forming the core of PISA. It also describes the methods developed to ensure that the assessment tasks are valid across countries, are strong at measuring relevant skills and are based on authentic life situations. 



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