
Petite enfance et établissements scolaires

OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Norway 2011


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ISBN: 9789264116924

Publication: 31/10/2011


OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Norway 2011

How can student assessment, teacher appraisal, school evaluation and system evaluation bring about real gains in performance across a country’s school system? This book provides, for Norway, an independent analysis from an international perspective of major issues facing the evaluation and assessment framework in education along with current policy initiatives and possible future approaches. This series forms part of the OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes

Table of contents

  • Chapter 1: School education in Norway
  • Chapter 2: The evaluation and assessment framework
  • Chapter 3: Student assessment
  • Chapter 4: Teacher appraisal
  • Chapter 5: School evaluation
  • Chapter 6: Education system evaluation

How to obtain this publication


Readers can access the full version of  OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Norway 2011 choosing from the following options:

  • Subscribers and readers at subscribing institutions can access the online edition via iLibrary.
  • Non-subscribers are able to download the e-book for free or purchase a paper copy via our Online Bookshop.
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