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  • 21-octobre-2008

    Français, , 744kb

    Portugal – Les écoles bâties sur le modèle de l’espace paysager : échec ou innovation ?

    Au Portugal, les écoles bâties sur le modèle de l'espace paysager ont suscité de vives critiques. Récemment, toutefois, l’Escola da Ponte, l’une des écoles en espace paysager à avoir survécu jusqu’à nos jours, a été saluée comme étant l’un des centres scolaires les plus innovants du pays.

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  • 16-September-2008


    Job-related Training and Benefits: A Review of Evidence and Explanations (EDU Working Paper No. 19)

    This paper reviews the literature on job-related training and the effects of these investments for different groups of individuals. The paper also elaborates on the theories, empirical explanations, and policy implications that can be drawn from these findings.

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  • 2-July-2008

    Latvian, , 540kb

  • 9-juin-2008

    Français, , 922kb

    L’architecture des écoles primaires au Portugal : étude de cas - PEB Echanges, juin 2008

    L’étude des écoles primaires d’une petite ville portugaise offre, plus largement, un aperçu de l’évolution des établissements scolaires en général. Ces bâtiments publics présentent en effet de nombreuses spécificités. L’observation de quatre des six écoles primaires de la ville de Caldas da Rainha montre à quel point ces bâtiments ont évolué, tout en permettant de mieux comprendre ce qu’ils représententpour la communauté locale, mais

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  • 14-September-2007


    Effects of Tertiary Expansion: Crowding-out effects and labour market matches for the higher educated (EDU Working Paper No. 10)

    This paper examines crowding-out effects and the labour market match for the tertiary educated in 26 OECD countries, using attainment data and data on labour market outcomes from Education at a Glance 2006.

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  • 26-July-2007

    English, , 1,076kb

    Equity in Education Thematic Review Country Analytical Report - Federation of Russia

    The Russian system of education has been developing as the result of social, cultural, and economic changes of the early 90-s. But at present we can see that the significance of the particular factors of transformation that is specific to Russia is declining as tendencies common to the majority of modern countries are coming to the forefront. While choosing strategic parameters for the development of the educational system it is

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  • 31-May-2007

    English, , 445kb

    Equity in Education Thematic Review Country Analytical Report - Finland

    The Finns regard education as very important. In a survey in 1993-94 Finnish adults were asked how they consider the Finnish comprehensive school to have succeeded in reaching its core objectives (3). Up to 66% of the adult respondents considered the school to have succeeded in developing skills and knowledge which support students in their further studies, as well as in promoting study motivation (60%), mediating a healthy lifestyle

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  • 31-May-2007

    English, , 224kb

    Equity in Education - Approaches to Equity in Policy for Lifelong Learning

    In thinking about equity policy it is important to keep in mind that the four areas of education discussed in this report – early childhood development, schooling, tertiary education and adult education – have very different characteristics.

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  • 31-May-2007

    English, , 2,257kb

    Equity in Education Thematic Review Country Analytical Report - Switzerland

    Switzerland invests more than the mean of other countries in education. The most recent international figures available show that, in 2001, taking all levels of education together, it spent USD 8800 for each child at school or adult student. The OECD mean is USD 6200. Between 1995 and 2001, the biggest increases in expenditure went on students at tertiary level. Much of this extra money was needed for the creation of so-called

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  • 18-May-2007

    English, , 589kb

    Education Policies for Students at Risk and those with Disabilities in South Eastern Europe - Bulgaria and Synthesis Report

    Education Policies for Students at Risk and those with Disabilities in South Eastern Europe - Bulgaria and Synthesis Report in the local language.

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