
Centre pour la Recherche et l'Innovation dans l'Enseignement - CERI

Taking Stock of Educational R&D: Joint OECD-CORECHED International Expert Meeting


Over the past 5 years, CERI has conducted reviews of educational R&D in five countries: New Zealand, England, Mexico, Denmark and Switzerland. The first two were published in the OECD report (2003) New Challenges for Educational Research; the last three have been published separately as individual reviews. The reviews have formed an important part of CERI’s work on knowledge management and on the use of evidence in educational policy-making (see also Innovation in the Knowledge Economy: Implications for Education and Learning (2004), and a recent publication on Evidence in Education: Linking Research to Policy (2007)). At the CERI Governing Board meeting held in November 2006, on the occasion of the discussion of the Swiss report the Board agreed that there should be a stocktake of the lessons learnt over the course of this cycle of reviews – a ‘review of reviews’. This is the main purpose of this international expert meeting, jointly organised by CERI and the Swiss Council for Educational Research (CORECHED).

Objectives of the meeting:

- to synthesise the lessons learnt from the five reviews, and the general conclusions which can be drawn;
- to take stock of subsequent developments in the particular countries, including an assessment of the impact of the review; and
- to reflect on the review process and its implications for future OECD work of this kind.




Update on new developments

The supply side of educational R&D:


The demand side of educational R&D:

Opportunities for international collaboration on monitoring the development of educational R&D



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