
Latest Documents

  • 28-January-2016


    Why do we bother with qualifications? (OECD Education&Skills Today Blog)

    Qualifications are useful because they make skills visible. It is confidently assumed that the holder of a school-leaving certificate can read and understand instructions, and make calculations, and that those with university degrees can do much more.

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  • 28-January-2016

    English, PDF, 2,371kb

    Building Skills for All - A Review of England

    There are an estimated 9 million working aged adults in England (more than a quarter of adults aged 16-65) with low literacy or numeracy skills or both. This reflects England’s overall performance in the Survey of Adult Skills - around average for literacy, but well below average for numeracy relative to other OECD countries in the Survey (OECD, 2013).

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  • 25-janvier-2016


    Guide opérationnel CITE 2011 - Directives pour la classification des programmes éducatifs nationaux et des certifications correspondantes

    La structure des systèmes éducatifs varie énormément d’un pays à l’autre. Afin de produire des statistiques et des indicateurs comparables à l’échelle internationale, il est nécessaire de disposer d’un cadre permettant de collecter et de soumettre des données sur des programmes éducatifs avec un contenu éducatif de niveau similaire. La Classification internationale type de l’Éducation (CITE) de l’UNESCO est la classification de référence permettant d’organiser les programmes éducatifs et les certifications correspondantes par niveau d’éducation et par domaines d’études. Les définitions et les concepts fondamentaux de la CITE ont été établis de manière à être internationalement valides et applicables à l’ensemble des systèmes éducatifs. La CITE 2011 est la deuxième révision importante de cette classification (élaborée initialement dans les années 70 et révisée pour la première fois en 1997). Elle a été adoptée par la Conférence générale de l’UNESCO en novembre 2011. Préparé conjointement par l’Institut de statistique de l’UNESCO (ISU), l’OCDE et Eurostat, ce guide opérationnel fournit des directives et notes explicatives pour l’interprétation de la classification révisée, par niveau éducatif. Il présente également des exemples nationaux de programmes et de certifications correspondantes classés dans la CITE 2011. Ce guide sera utile aux statisticiens nationaux qui collectent et soumettent des données d’éducation aux organisations internationales, ainsi qu’aux décideurs politiques et aux chercheurs intéressés par une meilleure compréhension de ces données.
  • 11-January-2016


    Is the gender gap in higher education widening? (OECD Education&Skills Today Blog)

    One of the most remarkable consequences of the expansion of education in OECD countries over the past decades is the reversal of the gender gap in education. From outright exclusion and discrimination in educational institutions less than a century ago, girls and young women have conquered schools and colleges.

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  • 8-January-2016


    Education Indicators in Focus No. 37 - Who are the bachelor’s and master’s graduates?

    Graduation rates for bachelor’s and master’s degrees have dramatically increased over the past two decades, with 6 million bachelor’s degrees and 3 million master’s degrees awarded in OECD countries in 2013. Although women represent over half of the graduates at the bachelor’s and master’s level, they are still strikingly under-represented in the fields of sciences and engineering.

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  • 18-December-2015

    English, PDF, 3,067kb

    Building Skills For All: A Review of Finland Policy Insights on Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Skills from the Survey of Adult Skills

    In Finland, the numeracy and literacy skills of adults are among the highest in the countries measured through the OECD’s 2012 Survey of Adult Skills. The Survey assessed the skills of adults in literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments in 24 countries and sub-national regions in the first round of the Survey.

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  • 1-December-2015


    Open Educational Resources - A Catalyst for Innovation

    Education is the key to economic, social and environmental progress, and governments around the world are looking to improve their education systems. The future of education in the 21st century is not simply about reaching more people, but about improving the quality and diversity of educational opportunities. How to best organise and support teaching and learning requires imagination, creativity and innovation.Open educational resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials that make use of tools such as open licensing to permit their free reuse, continuous improvement and repurposing by others for educational purposes. The OER community has grown considerably over the past 10 years and the impact of OER on educational systems has become a pervasive element of educational policyThis report aims to highlight state of the art developments and practices in OER, but also to demonstrate how OER can be a tool for innovation in teaching and learning.
  • 26-November-2015


    How can we compare education systems that are so different? (OECD Education&Skills Today Blog)

    Education systems are not static; they change. There have been some important changes at both ends of the education ladder recently: in early childhood or “pre-primary” education, at one end, and in tertiary or higher education at the other.

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  • 5-November-2015


    Korea’s future prosperity depends on skills (OECD Education Today Blog)

    The Korean economy has seen significant growth in the past decades. However, much of the economic growth has been supported by intensive labour resource utilisation. Korean workers work the second longest hours among OECD countries. This is not sustainable in the long-term because Korea’s working age population is projected to decline from 2017 onwards.

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  • 7-October-2015


    Does social background thwart aspirations for higher education? (OECD Education Today Blog)

    Since the mid-1900s, the expansion of higher education systems has opened up opportunities for many students other than those from the elites. Higher education became the main route towards upward social mobility.

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