
Dominicaine, République

  • 22-June-2017


    Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the Dominican Republic

    Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the Dominican Republic is the result of a project carried out by the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sociales (CIES) in the Dominican Republic and the OECD Development Centre, in collaboration with the Ministerio de Economía, Planificación y Desarollo (MEPD) and with support from the European Union. The project aimed to provide policy makers with evidence on the way migration influences specific sectors – the labour market, agriculture, education, investment and financial services and social protection and health – and, in turn, how sectoral policies affect migration. The report addresses four dimensions of the migration cycle that have become an important part of the country's social and economic contexts: emigration, remittances, return and immigration. The results of the empirical work confirm that even though migration contributes to development in the Dominican Republic, the potential of migration is not fully exploited. One explanation is that many policy makers in the Dominican Republic do not sufficiently take migration into account in their respective policy areas. The Dominican Republic therefore needs to adopt a more coherent policy agenda to do more to integrate migration into development strategies, improve co-ordination mechanisms and strengthen international co-operation. This would enhance the contribution of migration to development in the country.
  • 1-June-2017


    Better Service Delivery for Inclusive Growth in the Dominican Republic

    This Review focuses on improving access to quality and timely services for citizens as a means to facilitate inclusive growth in the Dominican Republic. Despite its macroeconomic performance in the last decade, poverty and levels of inequalities remain high in the Dominican Republic. At the same time, citizens report limited satisfaction with the quality and access to services in the country, often reflected in less than optimal outcomes in areas such as health, transport or education. The review's focus on service delivery offers the opportunity to apply the concepts and tools of public governance at an operational level and with immediate implications for the government-citizen relationship. The inclusion of multidisciplinary good practices, collected through OECD work on public sector management, digital government, innovation or administrative simplification, allows a comprehensive but integrated assessment of the use of public policy levers for optimizing service design and delivery. By covering aspects relating both to the competence of government – in terms of the quality, timeliness and effectiveness of public services – and to the principles governing the provision of services – including engagement, accountability or inclusiveness, this review identifies policy recommendations to improve access, coverage and quality of public services, regardless of income levels, location and other social and economic factors – as a key lever to achieve more inclusive growth.  
  • 19-April-2013

    English, PDF, 2,454kb

    Making Development Happen: Política fiscal para el desarrollo en República Dominicana

    Es necesario por tanto que las reformas fiscales constituyan una pieza clave del plan estratégico de desarrollo de un país en el medio y largo plazo. En este sentido, este informe sitúa algunas posibilidades de reforma en materia fiscal en la República Dominicana en un contexto regional e internacional de buenas prácticas.

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  • 19-April-2013

    English, PDF, 2,395kb

    Making Development Happen: Fiscal Policy for Development in the Dominican Republic

    Tax reforms must play a central role in a country’s medium- and long-term development strategy. The report analyses some of the possible tax reforms in the Dominican Republic within a regional and international context of good practices. The fiscal recommendations are made within the context of the institutional frameworks, with particular emphasis on matters of economic policy that should be considered in the reform process.

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  • 3-décembre-2010


    La classe moyenne en Amérique latine est économiquement vulnérable

    Bien que la classe moyenne des pays d’Amérique latine soit croissante et en phase de devenir un moteur de progrès économique, ce groupe reste économiquement vulnérable comparé aux pays de l'OCDE à revenu élevé, selon le rapport du Centre de développement de l'OCDE Perspectives économiques de l’Amérique latine 2011. Les gouvernements latino-américains doivent par conséquent agir pour que les classes moyennes ne tombent pas dans la

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