
Centre de développement


SIGI 2021 Regional Report for Southeast Asia

Achieving gender equality and tackling discriminatory laws, social norms and practices set a direct path toward a more inclusive economy and society. The SIGI 2021 Regional Report for Southeast Asia provides new evidence-based analysis on the setbacks and progress in achieving gender equality between 2014 and 2019 in 11 countries. The report uncovers the discrimination women face within social institutions in various dimensions; in the family and household context, in relation to physical integrity and access to productive and financial resources, as well within the political and civil spheres. The SIGI 2021 Regional Report for Southeast Asia explores the interaction between women’s empowerment and discriminatory social institutions by looking specifically at four core areas – health, education, the economic dimension and decision making. It also unveils the cost of discriminatory social institutions for Southeast Asian countries and the socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 crisis for women and girls. Building on the regional analysis of how discriminatory social institutions continue to hinder efforts toward SDG 5, the report provides a set of policy recommendations to enhance governments’ efforts to deliver on their gender equality commitments by 2030.

Available from March 30, 2021

In series:Social Institutions and Gender Indexview more titles


Reader’s guide
Abbreviations and acronyms
Executive summary
The Social Institutions and Gender Index in the Southeast Asian region
Thematic analysis
Annexes2 chapters available
The SIGI’s methodology
Estimating the economic cost of discriminatory social institutions
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