
Marchés financiers

OECD Implementation Handbook for Quality Infrastructure Investment


Supporting a Sustainable Recovery from the COVID-19 Crisis


9 July 2021


Download the Handbook | Version française


09/07/2021 - The COVID-19 crisis has underlined the central role played by economic and social infrastructure – such as energy, water and sanitation, transport, communications, and hospitals and related services – in our economies and societies. COVID-19 also brings a realisationthat we need to do things differently in the future, to innovate, to build-back-better. Given its wide-ranging and potentially transformative impacts, infrastructure investment provides a key instrument to bring about many desired changes, and deliver on ambitious economic, social, and environmental objectives.  

This Handbook provides a forward-looking view on how quality infrastructure investment can be implemented to deliver on key policy priorities, notably catalysing the low-carbon transition, safeguarding biodiversity, building resilience, addressing regional disparities, and underpinning sustainable development. The Handbook assesses some of the infrastructure investment needs required to deliver on these priorities, identifies challenges and bottlenecks, and proposes solutions. It highlights effective infrastructure governance, the mobilisation of financial resources, and the subnational dimension of infrastructure governance and investment as key means for delivering quality infrastructure investment.

The Handbook complements the OECD Compendium of Policy Good Practices for Quality Infrastructure Investment. While the Compendium is a policy guidance tool, the Handbook is an analytical and operational tool, focussing on selected major issues and challenges that are relevant in the context of the current crisis as well as for long-term sustainability, with concrete examples and case studies to illustrate the suggested solutions. They promote a shared understanding of the elements needed to support quality infrastructure investments in alignment with the G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment and in accordance with international standards.


See also

News release -

2020 Symposium on Quality Infrastructure Investment

2020 Seminar on Quality Infrastructure Investment in Asia





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