

Long Term Care and Healthcare Insurance


Ageing is affecting many OECD countries and, as demographic change progresses, governments will be challenged to identify financially sustainable ways to support the care of ageing populations.The OECD’s Insurance and Private Pensions Committee launched a project on long-term care and health insurance in 2017 to examine the complementarity of the social security network with the private insurance market and how insurance could support the public sector long-term care and health care systems, as well as considering the financing of long-term care and health care. This page provides access to the work undertaken to date. 


Date of publication
23 February 2021



Public and Private Sector Relationships in Long-term Care and Healthcare Insurance

The importance of having access to care options and being able to finance this has been laid bare through the experience of the COVID-19 health emergency. While most countries have public options for long-term care and health care, these are not always comprehensive and may not support the needs of the community. Having long-term and health care options that are affordable are important public policy considerations, especially when ageing is affecting many OECD countries and morbidity is impacting health outcomes.

Private insurance can extend care options, and provide additional services that may not always be available through the public sector. However, insurance is not uniformly offered across countries, especially given the differences in the public system, and the manner in which it is made available will differ as well.

This report examines selected countries that have characteristics in their long-term care and/or healthcare system, which may facilitate the use of private insurance to support the provision of public health and long-term care services.


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Long Term Care and Health Care Insurance in OECD and other Countries

Date of publication
10 February 2020


Long-term care and health care insurance in OECD and other countries

10/02/2020- Ageing is affecting many OECD countries and, as demographic change progresses, governments will be challenged to identify financially sustainable ways to support the care of ageing populations. This is particularly important for long-term care and health care, as increasing expenditures may become financially unsustainable for many countries while compromising on care options is rarely realistic. Many countries are or will struggle with how to reform their care systems to bring these costs under control, while ensuring that those in need can access the necessary care of quality.


The OECD is investigating how insurance can support the social security network and, in particular, long-term care and health care systems. Financing the long-term care and health care systems can be burdensome for countries and finding financing solutions that support fiscal budgets is an important consideration with ageing economies and demographic changes.


This report is a stocktaking of long-term care and health care systems in OECD and non-OECD countries with a strong focus on the nature of the insurance markets that contribute to these systems.


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