
Analyse des politiques fiscales

OECD March on Gender 2022: Tax and Gender


Breaking the tax bias: Promoting gender equality in taxation

Monday, 14 March 2022 | 10:30-11:15 CET

#BreakTheBias #MarchOnGender


Improving gender equality is an issue of fairness, and a priority for most governments. Working towards more inclusive economies in which women fully participate, is also important for economic growth. Tax policy can contribute to gender equality and to governments’ efforts to reduce inequalities. Even in tax systems that do not include explicit gender biases, hidden biases often exist due to the interaction of the tax system with differences in the nature and level of income earned by men and women, consumption decisions and social expectations.

In February 2022, the OECD released the first cross-country report analysing national approaches to tax policy and gender outcomes. The report—Tax Policy on Gender Equality: A Stocktake of Country Approaches—draws upon input from 43 countries on the issue of gender and tax policy design, and explores the extent to which countries consider and address gender equality in tax policy development and tax administration. In March 2022, an OECD Taxation Working Paper on Taxation of Part-Time Work in the OECD was released. This working paper has a clear gender perspective since on average, women are three times as likely to work part-time as men. As part of the 2022 OECD March on Gender campaign, this event formally launched both the Tax Policy and Gender Equality report and the Taxation of Part-Time Work in the OECD working paper, with a view to raising awareness of the issues and highlighting the need for further work and action in this area.


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OECD March on Gender 2021

In tax, gender-blind is not gender-neutral: how tax policy in times of COVID-19 must consider women | 26 March 2021

Women are at the core of the fight against the COVID-19 crisis: they make up the vast majority of healthcare workers and shoulder much of the childcare and homeschooling burden during lockdowns. And while tax policy measures play a crucial role in supporting individuals and businesses as we navigate this crisis, the gender impact of taxation is often overlooked – with serious consequences for gender equality. To ensure that the tax system does not inadvertently reinforce gender biases in society, governments need to include the impact of taxes on gender as a key policy dimension in their tax policy responses to COVID-19. When it comes to tax and gender, let's #BuildBackBetter. This session presented the OECD’s framework on gender and discuss the impact of tax on gender, including the role of tax in the COVID recovery, gender and tax policy in developing countries and gender budgeting.


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Event material


Further information

OECD March on Gender is a series of events, workshops, seminars, interviews and networking events – all contributing to empowering the recovery through women's leadership. A full programme of events, along with registration links and contact information, can be found on the OECD Gender Portal.



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