
Délits et fiscalité

Conference: Combating Tax Crime and Other Crimes in the Fisheries Sector





13-14 October 2016, OECD, Paris

There is great concern about the growth of criminal activities including human trafficking, smuggling of migrants, corruption and tax fraud, that are carried out by individuals working within or making use of the fishing industry. These crimes are frequently linked to vessels that carry out illegal, unreported or unregulated fishing. These crimes are undermining governments’ capacity to enforce policy, promote food security, reduce poverty, fund public expenditure and support development activities.

In response, this joint OECD-FAO-UNODC event will offer a platform to policy makers and various stakeholders to discuss pressing legal and operational difficulties with the aim to support efforts and reinforce international co-operation towards mutual assistance to combat tax crime and other serious crimes in the fisheries sectors.

Learn more about fisheries crimes:

International, regional and national-level co-operation is needed to fight fisheries crime (OECD Insights, 11 October 2016)

Evading the Net: Tax Crime in the Fisheries Sector (OECD, 2013)

À travers les mailles du filet : Les délits à caractère fiscal dans le secteur de la pêche (OECD, 2013)


Conference documents

  •  (pdf)
  • (pdf)
  • (pdf)
  • (zip file)
  • (pdf) - also available in German (pdf)



  • Understanding Crime in the Fisheries Sector
    Bringing together experts in combatting fisheries crimes from international organisations to map the diverse nature of crime in the sector.

  • Country Experiences
    Policy makers and country experts will share best practices and solutions in their fight against fisheries crimes.

  • Improving Co-operation
    Discover technical tools for gathering intelligence and enhancing co-operation among national agencies.

  • Closing Loopholes
    Participants will identify priorities to remove legal and operational barriers for effective international co-operation in combating fisheries crimes.

  • Workshop - Detect and Investigate Crime
    During a half day workshop, participants will receive practical and operational training on the detection and investigation of tax and other crimes in the fisheries sector.


Registration and contact

  • For further information on this workshop and to register, please contact Antonia Leroy, Trade and Agriculture Directorate, OECD


Practical information


Documents connexes