
Croissance verte et développement durable


Space Technologies and Climate Change

Implications for Water Management, Marine Resources and Maritime Transport

This book examines the contributions that space technologies can make in tackling some of the serious problems posed by climate change. Focusing on examples of water management, marine resources and maritime transport, it sets out the rationale for further developing satellite systems to measure and monitor climate change and help mitigate its consequences. The report underlines the need to consider satellites not just as research and development systems, but as an important component of a critical communication- and information-based infrastructure for modern societies. The tool box for decision makers that concludes the book reviews different methodological options for deciding on investments in space-based earth observation.

Published on November 13, 2008


Climate Change: Trends and Outlook
Fresh Water Management: Trends and Outlook
Marine Resources and Maritime Transport: Trends and Outlook
Capabilities of Space Technologies
Outlook for Space Technologies
Tool Box for Policy Makers: Costs, Benefits and Investment Decisions
Annexes A and B
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