

Globalisation and Fisheries: Proceedings of an OECD-FAO Workshop



The OECD’s Committee for Fisheries and the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department co-hosted a Workshop on the Challenges and Opportunities of Fisheries Globalisation in April 2007.


The purpose was to better understand the process of fisheries globalisation and to highlight the key risks and opportunities that policy makers need to address so that, on the one hand, the opportunities that are created are not missed while, on the other, the risks are addressed appropriately.

This publication presents a wide range of experiences and points of view from every part of the value chain of the fisheries industry, including fishers, processors, consumers, NGOs, restaurant and retail chains, as well as government and academic experts.


The Chair's Summary by Lori Ridgeway is available for further information on this publication.



















Publication date 22 January 2008

ISBN 9789264037762

Code 532007041P1


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German version (OECD Berlin Centre website)


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