
Croissance verte et développement durable


Advancing the Aquaculture Agenda

Workshop Proceedings

Aquaculture now provides more than 50% of the global supply of fisheries products for direct human consumption. This conference proceedings addresses key policy challenges of the aquaculture sector. Policy makers, academics, industry representatives, NGOs and international organisations gathered to discuss the critical economic, environmental and social aspects of aquaculture.  This publication presents a selection of key issues covered by the workshop and includes a large number of country case studies, which provide specific examples of national approaches to aquaculture management.  

Published on September 13, 2010


Chair's summary
Opening remarks
Key messages by the French Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
Growing the wealth of aquaculture
Climate change, food security and aquaculture
Norway: Aquaculture zoning policy and competition for marine space in aquaculture management
France: A case study on aquaculture governance
Greece: Best practices in aquaculture management and development
Korea: The current status of and future plans for aquaculture
Spain: National plans for the promotion and development of marine aquaculture
Turkey: Best practices in aquaculture management and sustainable development
Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture
Norway: Escapes of fish from aquaculture
Chile: Experiences in controlling sea lice
Chinese Taipei: A control strategy for viral diseases in grouper seed production
The Netherlands: Best practices in managing ecosystem impacts in aquaculture through RAS technologies
Agriculture's impact on aquaculture: Hypoxia and eutrophication in marine waters
Canada: The National Aquaculture Strategic Action Plan Initiative
Connections between farmed and wild fish: Fishmeal and fish oil as feed ingredients in sustainable aquaculture
Barriers to aquaculture development as a pathway to poverty alleviation and food security
Conditions for establishing aquaculture production sites in OECD countries: Survey result discussion and summary
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