

Istanbul Anti-corruption Action Plan




March 2024 - 5th Round Monitoring for the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan for ArmeniaAzerbaijanMoldova and Ukraine

February 2023 - Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan, 5th Round of Monitoring: Framework Assessment (RUS) and Guide (RUS)

June 2022 - Release of the pilot 5th round monitoring reports for five countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine  

The Istanbul Anti-corruption Action Plan is a sub-regional peer review programme launched in 2003 in the framework of the ACN. It supports anti-corruption reforms through country reviews and continuous monitoring of implementation of recommendations, which promote the UNCAC and other international standards and best practice. 

  • The 1st round of monitoring was conducted between 2004-2007. This Report - Anti-corruption Reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Progress and Challenges - summarises the results.

  • The 2nd round  monitoring took place between 2008-2012. This Report - Anti-corruption Reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Progress and Challenges, 2009-2013 - summarises the results. 

  • The 3rd round of monitoring stook place between 2013-2015. This Report EN | RUS  - Anti-Corruption Reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Progress and Challenges, 2013-2015 - summarises the results.

  • The 4th round of monitoring stook place between 2016-2019. This Report EN | RUS  - Anti-Corruption Reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Progress and Challenges, 2016-2019 - summarises the results.

A manual for monitoring experts is available and provides guidance on the monitoring process [English | Russian]. 

Civil society is also encouraged to take part in the monitoring process and a practical guide is available in order to aid civil society representatives in the third round monitoring process [English | Russian]. 


Country and Progress Reports

Armenia | Azerbaijan | Georgia | Kyrgyzstan | Kazakhstan | Moldova Mongolia | Tajikistan Ukraine | Uzbekistan  


Useful Resources

Anti-corruption Reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Anti-corruption Reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

2022 - Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan, 5th Round of Monitoring: Framework Assessment  (RUS) and Guide (RUS)

2014 - Manual for Monitoring Experts ENG l RUS

2014 - Practical Guide on Monitoring for Civil Society ENG l RUS




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