
Direction de la coopération pour le développement


Helping Small Island Developing States graduate to success

By 2030, between five and twelve Small Island Developing States (SIDS) could lose eligibility to – i.e. graduate from – official development assistance (ODA) as they reach high-income status. Unless other sources of finance effectively fill the gap left by their high dependence on ODA, those SIDS may suffer socio-economic setbacks and be worse-off after graduation. This may have broad negative consequences, given their geostrategic importance and role in the preservation of oceans and biodiversity. To help SIDS “graduate to success”, donors should use multidimensional vulnerability indices (MVIs) to better tailor their support, and engage with them through new graduation strategies.

Published on May 15, 2024

In series:OECD Policy Briefsview more titles