
Environnement et développement

Green Growth and Developing Countries - Consultation Draft


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Publication date

June 2012


The concept of "green growth" offers real opportunities for more inclusive growth in developing countries while protecting the environment. However, the concept is generating a great diversity of political positions, from enthusiastic to cautious, reflecting a lack of clarity and experience, and the different opportunities available to specific countries.


This report responds to these concerns and acknowledges that developing countries face particular challenges in designing and implementing green growth strategies. It explores how green growth strategies can be applied, taking into account differences in natural resource endowments, levels of socio-economic development, sources of economic growth, and institutional capacity.


OECD will present this consultative draft of Green Growth and Developing Countries at the Rio+20 Conference on 17 June. This will be an opportunity for developing country partners to indicate their interest in collaborating with the OECD to shape a green growth agenda that is feasible and relevant for them and addresses the aspirations of their citizens.



 Table of Contents


Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Development Dimension of Green Growth

Chapter 2: Patterns of Growth and Implications for the Environment

Chapter 3: Policy Frameworks for Green Growth in Developing Countries

Chapter 4: An International Enabling Environment for Green Growth

Chapter 5: Measuring Progress


 Related Events


OECD Consultation with Developing Country Experts, 17 June 2012, in Rio de Janeiro, 17 June 2012, in Rio de Janeiro

OECD High-Level Event on Green Growth and Developing Countries, 22 June 2012, in Rio de Janeiro, hosted by Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD


 Related web sites

 How to obtain this publication




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