

  • 25-June-2014

    English, PDF, 560kb

    Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)- Country profile - Flanders (Belgium)

    Country profiles highlight some key findings from TALIS 2013 for individual countries and economies

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  • 26-avril-2013


    Statistiques de l'OCDE sur la dette de l'administration centrale 2012

    Les gouvernements sont parmi les principaux émetteurs de titres d’emprunt sur le marché mondial des capitaux. Le présent volume fournit des informations quantitatives sur les titres d’emprunt d’État pour les 34 pays membres de l'OCDE en vue de répondre aux besoins analytiques des utilisateurs tels que les pouvoirs publics, les spécialistes de la gestion de la dette et les analystes de marché. Les statistiques sont présentées selon un plan d’ensemble normalisé pour permettre une comparaison entre les différents pays. Les notes méthodologiques par pays donnent des informations sur les émissions de titres d’emprunt dans chacun des pays, ainsi que sur le cadre institutionnel et réglementaire dans lequel s’inscrivent la politique de gestion de la dette et les techniques de vente.
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  • 29-janvier-2013


    Santé mentale et emploi : Belgique

    Dans les pays de l’OCDE, la gestion des problèmes de santé mentale dans la population d’âge actif devient un enjeu essentiel pour les politiques sociales et du marché du travail. Les gouvernements de ces pays sont de plus en plus nombreux à reconnaître que les pouvoirs publics ont un rôle important à jouer pour maintenir au travail les personnes souffrant de troubles mentaux ou pour faciliter la réintégration de celles qui sont sorties du marché de l’emploi, ainsi que pour prévenir l’apparition de ce type de troubles. Ce rapport relatif à la Belgique est le premier d’une série de travaux analysant l’approche adoptée par différents pays de l’OCDE face aux défis plus larges, décrits dans la publication Mal-être au travail ? Mythes et réalités sur la santé mentale et l’emploi (OCDE, 2012), auxquels sont confrontés les pouvoirs publics en matière d’éducation, de santé, de politique sociale et d’emploi. Sa conclusion est que la Belgique dispose déjà d’un système comportant de nombreux atouts structurels, qui ne sont cependant pas encore exploités de manière optimale.
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  • 18-December-2012


    The Long-term Radiological Safety of a Surface Disposal Facility for Low-level Waste in Belgium - An International Peer Review of Key Aspects of ONDRAF/NIRAS' Safety Report of November 2011 in Preparation for the License Application

    An important activity of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) in the field of radioactive waste management is the organisation of independent, international peer reviews of national studies and projects. This report provides an international peer review of the long-term safety strategy and assessment being developed by the Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials, ONDRAF/NIRAS, as part of the licence application for the construction and operation of a surface disposal facility for short-lived, low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste in the municipality of Dessel, Belgium. The review was carried out by an International Review Team comprised of seven international specialists, all of whom were free of conflict of interest and chosen to bring complementary expertise to the review. To be accessible to both specialist and non-specialist readers, the review findings are provided at several levels of detail.
  • 17-December-2012

    English, PDF, 332kb

    Closing the Gender Gap - country note: Belgium

    Gains in female education attainment have contributed to a worldwide increase in women’s participation in the labour force, but considerable gaps remain in working hours, conditions of employment and earnings.  More specific data for Beligum are available in this country note.

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  • 24-mai-2012

    Français, , 699kb

    Stratégie de l'OCDE pour le Développement - C-MIN(2012)6

    La principale finalité de la Stratégie est de renforcer les contributions de l'OCDE à une croissance plus forte et plus solidaire dans un éventail de pays aussi large que possible.

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  • 12-September-2011


  • 25-May-2011


    Bank Profitability: Financial Statements of Banks 2010 - OECD Banking Statistics

    Trends in bank profitability and factors affecting it are major indicators of changes in the state of health of national banking systems. This publication provides nationally aggregated financial statements of banks data for OECD member countries. The coverage of banks is not the same in each country, though the objective is to include all institutions that conduct ordinary banking business, namely institutions which primarily take deposits from the public at large and provide finance for a wide range of purposes. Some information on the number of reporting banks, their branches and staff is also included, as well as structural information regarding the whole financial sector. Moreover, ratios, based on various items of the financial statements of banks in percentage of some specific aggregates, are supplied to facilitate the analysis of trends in bank profitability of OECD countries. Times series available vary according to country, but generally the last five years of available data are shown.
  • 13-May-2011


    OECD Development Assistance Peer Reviews: Belgium 2010

    This publication presents the Development Assistance Committee peer review of the aid programmes and policies of Belgium for 2010. The policies and programmes of each DAC member are critically examined approximately once every four or five years. Five members are examined annually. The OECD’s Development Co-operation Directorate provides analytical support and is responsible for developing and maintaining the conceptual framework within which the Peer Reviews are undertaken.  The Peer Review is prepared by a team, consisting of representatives of the Secretariat working with officials from two DAC members who are designated as 'examiners'. The country under review provides a memorandum setting out the main developments in its policies and programmes. Then the Secretariat and the examiners visit the capital to interview officials, parliamentarians, as well as civil society and NGO representatives of the donor country to obtain a first-hand insight into current issues surrounding the development co-operation efforts of the member concerned. Field visits assess how members are implementing the major DAC policies, principles and concerns, and review operations in recipient countries, particularly with regard to poverty reduction, sustainability, gender equality and other aspects of participatory development, and local aid co-ordination. The Secretariat then prepares a draft report on the member’s development co-operation which is the basis for the DAC review meeting at the OECD. At this meeting senior officials from the member under review respond to questions formulated by the Secretariat in association with the examiners. This review contains the Main Findings and Recommendations of the Development Assistance Committee and the report of the Secretariat.
  • 4-May-2011


    OECD Statistics on International Trade in Services 2010, Volume II, Detailed Tables by Partner Country

    This OECD publication provides statistics on international trade in services by partner country for 28 OECD countries plus the European Union (EU27), the Euro area, and Hong Kong, China as well as definitions and methodological notes. The data concern trade between residents and non-residents of countries and are reported within the framework of the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services. This book includes summary tables of trade patterns listing the main trading partners for each country and by broad service category. Series are shown in US dollars and cover the period 2004-2008.
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