

  • 5-December-2022


    Health at a Glance: Europe 2022 - State of Health in the EU Cycle

    The 2022 edition of Health at a Glance: Europe examines the key challenges European countries must address to develop stronger, more resilient health systems following the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes a special focus on how the pandemic has affected young people’s mental and physical health. The report emphasises the need for additional measures to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic from scarring a generation of young people. This edition of Health at a Glance: Europe also assesses the pandemic’s disruption of a wide range of health services for non-COVID patients, as well as the policy responses European countries deployed to minimise the adverse consequences of these disruptions. It also addresses a number of important behavioural and environmental risk factors that have a major impact on people’s health and mortality, highlighting the need to put a greater focus on the prevention of both communicable and non-communicable diseases.
  • 19-March-2019


    Better Regulation Practices across the European Union

    Laws and regulations affect the daily lives of businesses and citizens. High-quality laws promote national welfare and growth, while badly designed laws hinder growth, harm the environment and put the health of citizens at risk. This report analyses practices to improve the quality of laws and regulations across all 28 EU Member States and the European Union. It systematically assesses the use of evidence and stakeholder participation in the design and review of domestic laws and regulations based on the OECD Indicators of Regulatory Policy and Governance. It also provides insights into individual Member States’ use of regulatory management tools as they relate to EU laws. The report presents good regulatory practices and highlights areas that should receive further attention and investment.
  • 30-juin-2017


    Politiques agricoles : suivi et évaluation 2017

    Ce rapport est le 30ème de la série de rapports qui suivent et évaluent l’évolution des politiques agricoles à travers différents pays, et le cinquième qui inclut à la fois les pays de l’OCDE et un certain nombre d’économies émergentes. Ce rapport couvre les pays de six continents, notamment les 35 pays membres de l’OCDE, les six états de l’Union européenne qui ne sont pas membres de l’OCDE, ainsi que onze économies émergentes : Afrique du Sud, Brésil, République populaire de Chine, Colombie, Costa Rica, Indonésie, Kazakhstan, les Philippines, Fédération de Russie, Ukraine et Viet Nam. Au total, les 52 pays étudiés représentent environ les deux tiers de la valeur ajoutée de l’agriculture mondiale.La version complète des chapitres par pays ainsi que l’annexe statistique, qui contient des tableaux détaillés des indicateurs de soutien à l’agriculture ne sont disponibles que sous leur forme électronique sur
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  • 8-December-2016


    OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook national policy profiles

    As part of the STI Outlook 2016, the OECD has released policy profiles by country. These include cross-country analyses that draw on the first joint EC-OECD survey on STI policies. They focus on major STI policy areas, instruments and trends.

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  • 27-October-2016


    Labour mobility in the European Union: a need for more recognition of foreign qualifications

    Labour market mobility in the European Union is increasing, but it remains too low to provide sufficient adjustment in the face of diverging labour market developments.

  • 5-July-2016


    Fiscal policy in the euro area: in the current juncture, don’t apply sanctions

    The European Commission will assess again the fiscal situation of Portugal and Spain, and decide whether to recommend to the Council that the Excessive Deficit Procedure be stepped up for those countries, exposing them to various sanctions. This momentous decision can have major consequences for the countries concerned, but also wider implications.

  • 7-June-2016


    Recruiting Immigrant Workers: Europe 2016

    The OECD series Recruiting Immigrant Workers comprises country studies of labour migration policies. Each volume analyses whether migration policy is being used effectively and efficiently to help meet labour needs, without adverse effects on labour markets. It focuses mainly on regulated labour migration movements over which policy has immediate and direct oversight. This particular volume looks at the efficiency of European Union instruments for managing labour migration.
  • 24-November-2015


    Education at a Glance 2015: European Union

    The 2015 edition introduces more detailed analysis of participation in early childhood and tertiary levels of education. The report also examines first generation tertiary-educated adults’ educational and social mobility, labour market outcomes for recent graduates, and participation in employer-sponsored formal and/or non-formal education.

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  • 15-April-2011


    The Political Economy of Services in Regional Trade Agreements

    How do services commitments in RTAs influence multilateral negotiations? Through 4 case studies of the RTAs of Chile, Japan, the EU and the US, this paper looks at political economy issues underlying RTAs in general, as well as the specific concessions that countries make on trade in services.

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  • 11-April-2011


    Transparency Mechanisms and Non-Tariff Measures: Case Studies

    Transparent design and implementation of domestic regulation reduces business costs for the public and private sector, according to these case studies from Australia, the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States.

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