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  • 17-April-2013


    Government Debt Management and Operational Risk: A Risk Management Framework and its Application in Turkey

    The management of operational risk is at the heart of efficient government, but countries often fail to apply good or even routine operational risk management practices and have difficulty in understanding how to put the processes in place. This paper sets out a widely-applicable and relevant policy approach and management framework and illustrates its practical application in Turkey.

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  • 19-septembre-2012


    Des réformes structurelles pour stimuler la croissance à long terme en Turquie

    La Turquie a les moyens d’une croissance rapide et durable riche en emplois, mais des réformes s’imposent en matière de – marché du travail, d’éducation et de marchés de produits - pour que ce potentiel se concrétise.

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