
By Date

  • 15-novembre-2010


    L’intégration croissante de la Turquie avec le marché global des capitaux : Effets sur les primes de risque et coût du capital

    La Turquie a considérablement amélioré ses conditions d'accès au marché global des capitaux. Des progrès dans les fondamentaux macroéconomiques ont renforcé la crédibilité et réduit les primes de risque et le coût du capital.

    Documents connexes
  • 23-July-2010


    Energy Policies of IEA Countries: Turkey 2009

    The International Energy Agency's periodic review of Turkey's energy policies and programmes.  This 2009 edition finds that Turkey will likely see the fastest medium to long-term growth in energy demand among the IEA member countries. It has a young and urbanising population and energy use is still comparatively low. Therefore, ensuring sufficient energy supply to a growing economy remains the government’s main energy policy concern. Turkey has also progressed significantly in all other areas of energy policy over the past few years. Large investments in energy infrastructure, especially in electricity and natural gas, are needed to avoid bottlenecks in supply and to sustain rapid economic growth. To attract that investment, the country needs to continue reforming its energy market. Power sector reform is well under way, but in the natural gas sector reform has been slower and needs to be accelerated. Improving energy efficiency is essential for responding to Turkey’s energy policy challenges, and considerable potential remains in all sectors. In a country where private cars are rapidly becoming more common and where significant new construction is foreseen, transport and buildings merit particular long-term attention from the decision makers. Energy-related CO2 emissions have more than doubled since 1990 and are likely to continue to increase rapidly over the medium and long term, in parallel with energy demand. The IEA urges Turkey to intensify efforts to further develop its approach concerning its post-2012 regime to combat climate change, and to consider setting a quantitative overall target for limiting emissions.  This review analyses the broad range of energy challenges facing Turkey and provides critiques and recommendations for further policy improvements.   
  • 23-July-2010


    Energy Policies of IEA Countries - Turkey 2009 Review

    This review analyses the broad range of energy challenges facing Turkey and provides critiques and recommendations for further policy improvements.

    Related Documents
  • 16-March-2010

    English, , 255kb

    Agricultural Water Pricing: Turkey

    A study of water pricing in Turkey, a background report to the book Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Agriculture (OECD, 2010).

    Related Documents
  • 18-November-2009


    Turkey - Key economic projections

    Economic forecasts for GDP, unemployment, inflation and fiscal balance

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  • 30-juin-2009

    Français, , 366kb

    Turquie Phase 2bis : Rapport sur la mise en oeuvre de la Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption

    Turquie Phase 2bis : Rapport sur la mise en oeuvre de la Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption (en anglais)

    Documents connexes
  • 1-April-2009


    Intermodal Transport - National Peer Review: Turkey

    Turkey’s continuing economic expansion depends on the diversification of its transport modes and especially on the development of efficient multimodal services. Its role as a hub for Europe, Asia, and the Middle East and as a facilitator of global exchange will be enhanced with a strategy and measures to support a range of intermodal logistic and transport services. This work analyses the current situation and sets forth some of the actions and policies needed to stimulate the development of a truly multimodal transport system.
  • 18-February-2009


    OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Turkey 2008

    This comprehensive review of Turkey's health care system shows that health status has improved rapidly in Turkey in recent decades, partly as a result of higher health spending. It describes the introduction of an ambitious Health Transformation Programme in 2003 which brought universal health insurance to Turkey in 2008 and has begun the process of public hospital reforms and the rolling out of family-practitioner services throughout the country. Challenges remain, however, including completing the Health Transformation Programme and ensuring that the new health system provides value for money and stays affordable. This report analyses these challenges and sets out policy suggestions aimed at addressing them.
  • 30-December-2008


    Fostering Entrepreneurship for Innovation (STI Working Paper 2008/5)

    This paper presents the role of entrepreneurship policies in supporting innovation in four OECD countries. It consists of a synthesis report based on the findings of country case studies on Korea, Mexico, Norway and Turkey. The case studies are appended to the synthesis report.

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  • 16-décembre-2008


    Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE : Turquie 2008

    Le présent examen environnemental de l'OCDE montre que la Turquie est parvenue à consolider ses avancées dans le domaine de l'environnement et poursuit l'harmonisation de sa législation environnementale avec l'acquis environnemental de l'UE. Il demeure toutefois nécessaire de réduire encore les intensités de pollution, d'énergie et de ressources, et de prendre en charge les problèmes sanitaires persistants liés à l'environnement. Cet examen environnemental de la Turquie analyse de façon systématique la gestion de l'air, de l'air, de la nature et de la biodiversité, l'interface environnement/économie, l'interface environnement/social, la coopération Internationale et formule 45 recommandations spécifiques.
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