
Latest Documents

  • 14-mai-2024


    Perspectives de l’économie numérique de l’OCDE 2024 (Volume 1) - Cap sur la frontière technologique

    Les Perspectives de l’économie numérique de l’OCDE 2024 (Volume 1) : Cap sur la frontière technologique apportent de nouveaux éclairages sur les technologies phares qui sous-tendent l’écosystème de technologies numériques ainsi que leurs impacts. Dans ce premier volume, les auteurs se sont appuyés sur des données massives et des techniques d’apprentissage automatique pour produire de nouvelles estimations du taux de croissance du secteur des technologies de l’information et des communications (STI), qui est au cœur de l’écosystème. Ils se sont ensuite tournés vers la frontière technologique, s’intéressant à l’avenir de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et aux moyens de la façonner de manière à en faire une force positive. Ce Volume 1 propose également une analyse de l’adoption des technologies numériques par les individus, les entreprises et les administrations et donne à voir l’ampleur et la portée des fractures numériques et les solutions pour favoriser l’égalité des chances et l’inclusion. Pour ce faire, on se penche sur l’impérieuse nécessité que les réseaux sans fil de nouvelle génération fournissent une connectivité illimitée, en tout lieu. Au-delà de l’engouement suscité par les technologies immersives, on examine la capacité avérée de la réalité virtuelle à se prêter à un déploiement à grande échelle, avant d’en exposer les possibilités et les risques. Enfin, on donne un coup de projecteur à la question de la santé mentale dans les environnements numériques, en particulier ceux présentant les risques les plus élevés.
  • 6-May-2024


    Defining AI incidents and related terms

    As AI use grows, so do its benefits and risks. These risks can lead to actual harms ('AI incidents') or potential dangers ('AI hazards'). Clear definitions are essential for managing and preventing these risks. This report proposes definitions for AI incidents and related terms. These definitions aim to foster international interoperability while providing flexibility for jurisdictions to determine the scope of AI incidents and hazards they wish to address.
  • 6-May-2024


    Understanding the contribution of Flanders’ public marine data to society

    Large volumes of marine data – much of it collected through observing systems and research projects and made publicly available for reuse by anybody through specialised repositories – are required for science, ocean economic activity and effective management of marine space. This report summarises the results of an OECD survey of the users of Flanders-based public marine data repositories and details how societal value is generated through their data reuses. Responses to the OECD survey reveal how Flanders’ repositories enable the reuse of marine data across a range of sectors, contribute to improved decision making, and generate benefits for wider society. Stylised value chains of public marine data are constructed and visualised from the responses, revealing information that is otherwise not collected by repositories so that they can keep access to the data as open as possible. This work is part of the OECD Value Chains of Public Marine Data project and relates to broader efforts to improve understanding of the economics of open data.
  • 24-April-2024


    Digital adoption during COVID-19 - Cross-country evidence from microdata

    The COVID-19 pandemic caused an unprecedented global economic downturn, affecting productivity, business dynamics, and digital technology adoption. Using a comprehensive commercial database from Spiceworks Ziff Davis, this study analyses the firm-level drivers of digitalisation during the pandemic across 20 European countries. The findings show that a considerable share of firms introduced new digital technologies during the COVID-19 crisis. Notably, firms that were larger, more digitalised, and more productive before the pandemic were more likely to introduce new digital technologies in 2020 and 2021. Additionally, firms with pre-existing complementary technologies had a higher likelihood of adopting digital applications that gained momentum during the pandemic (such as digital commerce, collaborative software, cloud, and analytics). These patterns may increase polarisation among the best-performing firms and the rest of the business population. Public policy can play a key role in fostering an inclusive digital transformation in the post-pandemic era.
  • 23-April-2024

    English, PDF, 2,793kb

    Neurotechnology toolkit

    This toolkit aims to support policymakers in implementing the OECD Recommendation on Responsible Innovation in Neurotechnology.

  • 19-April-2024



    This page provides information on OECD work on scientometrics and bibliometrics. This field has has evolved over time from the study of indices for improving information retrieval from peer-reviewed scientific publications (commonly described as the “bibliometric” analysis of science) to cover other types of documents and information sources relating to science and technology.

    Related Documents
  • 5-avril-2024


    Principaux indicateurs de la science et de la technologie de l'OCDE

    Un jeu d'indicateurs mis à jour régulièrement qui reflète le niveau et la structure des efforts menés par les pays de l'OCDE et par une sélection d'économies non-membres dans les domaines de la science et de la technologie.

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  • 15-March-2024


    Mapping and testing product-level vulnerabilities in granular production networks

    This paper conducts an in-depth mapping of global value chain (GVC) vulnerabilities, using granular product-level trade data to identify vulnerable products with limited suppliers and substitutability. The study reveals that, in OECD countries, approximately 8% of foreign-sourced intermediate products are vulnerable, with about 50 products identified as highly vulnerable, particularly in the pharmaceutical, mining, and manufacturing sectors. The paper also introduces a quantitative framework for simulating supply shock transmission from upstream suppliers to downstream industries over the short and medium term. This framework leverages unique data that combine Inter-Country Input-Output with detailed product-level trade data from Comtrade. Through simulation exercises, the paper highlights the role of supplier concentration and geography in shock transmissions, as well as the effectiveness of policies in mitigating these impacts. This novel cross-country assessment of GVC disruptions provides new insights on how to manage supply chains in a global economy subject to multiple risks.
  • 12-mars-2024


    Statistiques du haut débit de l'OCDE

    La fibre optique et l'accès hertzien fixe (AHF ou accès fixe sans fil) ont connu la plus forte croissance des technologies fixes à haut débit depuis trois ans. Les abonnements à la fibre optique ont augmenté de 56 % entre juin 2020 et juin 2023, et les abonnements à l'AHF ont augmenté de 64 %.

    Documents connexes
  • 5-March-2024


    Explanatory memorandum on the updated OECD definition of an AI system

    In November 2023, OECD member countries approved a revised version of the Organisation’s definition of an AI system. This document contains proposed clarifications to the definition of an AI system contained in the 2019 OECD Recommendation on AI (the 'AI Principles') to support their continued relevance and technical soundness. The goal of the definition of an AI system in the OECD Recommendation is to articulate what is considered to be an AI system, for purposes of the recommendation.
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