
Policy Briefs

  • 15-octobre-2020

    Français, Excel, 2,799kb

    Le logement social : un élément essentiel des politiques de logement d’hier et de demain (Synthèse sur le logement abordable)

    Le logement social représente près de 30 millions de logements et quelque 6 % du parc immobilier total dans l’OCDE, mais la taille, l’étendue, la population cible et le type de fournisseurs de logements sociaux varient beaucoup d’un pays à l’autre. Les investissements dans la construction et la rénovation du logement social devraient être au cœur d’une relance économique plus durable et inclusive.

  • 22-March-2020


    Supporting people and companies to deal with the Covid-19 virus (Policy Brief)

    This policy brief is a first attempt at setting out the employment and social-policy tools at governments’ disposal to counter the economic and social impact of the Covid-19 crisis. It is accompanied by an overview table of countries’ policy responses, available online, which will be continuously updated.

  • 30-April-2019

    English, PDF, 335kb

    Japan Policy Brief : Enhancing private pension savings

    Japan has been ageing rapidly due to improvements in life expectancy and low fertility rates. This challenges the financial sustainability, solvency and adequacy of the pension system.

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  • 12-February-2019

    English, PDF, 3,252kb

    How can we help stop child labour (Policy brief)

    Eradicating the worst forms of child labour is not only a moral imperative, it is also essential for ensuring that children can fully enjoy their childhood and fulfil their potential. To reach this goal, it is necessary to monitor child labour trends and identify the forms of child labour that have the most serious consequences on children’s lives.

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  • 28-September-2018

    English, PDF, 358kb

    Czech Republic Policy Brief: Addressing current and future challenges of the pension system

    Trends towards increasing non-standard employment may pose challenges for the Czech pension system, as some of these workers are at risk of low pension entitlements and the financial sustainability of public pensions is undermined.

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  • 24-mai-2017

    Français, Excel, 4,162kb

    Synthèse sur l'avenir du travail - Le revenu de base : que changerait-il ?

    Les récents débats sur les propositions de revenu de base apportent un éclairage utile sur les problèmes que posent de plus en plus les formes traditionnelles de garantie de ressources. Les réformes visant à mettre en place une garantie de ressources plus largement ciblée devraient intervenir par phases, et nécessiteraient parallèlement un débat sur les moyens de financer un partage plus égal des fruits de la croissance économique.

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  • 28-February-2017

    English, PDF, 354kb

    Sweden Policy Brief: Strengthening the application of gender mainstreaming to the budget process

    Sweden’s government has reinvigorated the country’s long standing commitment to gender budgeting, taking into account the effects on gender equality when making decisions on the direction and distribution of resources and work is under way to strengthen gender-responsive budgeting efforts.

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  • 28-February-2017

    English, PDF, 564kb

    Sweden Policy Brief: Employment- Boosting Skills from the Bottom Up

    The national unemployment rate in Sweden has fallen to less than 7%, but this aggregate number hides important regional disparities which are partly due to inadequate or mismatched skills. To reduce these imbalances, Sweden needs to enhance the engagement of employers at the local level, strengthen regional skills planning, and inject more flexibility in the management of employment and skills policies.

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  • 2-March-2016

    English, PDF, 377kb

    Policy Brief: Parental leave: Where are the fathers?

    All OECD countries, except the United States, provide nationwide paid maternity leave. Over half also offer paternity leave to fathers right after childbirth. By enabling fathers to take on a greater share of the childcare burden, parental leave can support women’s careers.

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  • 30-November-2015

    English, PDF, 367kb

    Brazil Policy Brief: Improving Policies to Reduce Inequality and Poverty

    Income inequality in Brazil has steadily decreased since the early 2000s. Further progress in reducing inequality requires a policy package built on three pillars: promoting inclusive employment, improving the redistributive effectiveness of the tax and benefit system and investing more into education and skills.

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