

  • 24-June-2024


    Using AI to manage minimum income benefits and unemployment assistance - Opportunities, risks and possible policy directions

    While means-tested benefits such as minimum income benefits (MIB) and unemployment assistance (UA) are an essential safety net for low-income people and the unemployed, incomplete take-up is the rule rather than the exception. Building on desk research, open-ended surveys and semi-structured interviews, this paper investigates the opportunities and risks of using artificial intelligence (AI) for managing these means-tested benefits. This ranges from providing information to individuals, through determining eligibility based on pre-determined statutory criteria and identifying undue payments, to notifying individuals about their eligibility status. One of the key opportunities of using AI for these purposes is that this may improve the timeliness and take-up of MIB and UA. However, it may also lead to systematically biased eligibility assessments or increase inequalities, amongst others. Finally, the paper explores potential policy directions to help countries seize AI’s opportunities while addressing its risks, when using it for MIB or UA management.
  • 6-December-2022


    The Economic Case for More Gender Equality in Estonia

    Gender equality is not just about fairness and equity; it is also about economic empowerment and economic growth. Estonia has made great strides towards gender equality. Girls today outperform boys in educational attainment, but they are less likely than boys to study mathematics or information and communication technology. The gender employment gap is small, but Estonian women are still less likely to make it to the top, and career breaks around childbirth contribute to the declining but still considerable gender wage gap. This review considers the gender gaps in labour market outcomes and explores the gap in pay between men and women with equivalent skills within and across firms. It considers family support policies for households with young children, women’s bargaining position in firms, initiatives to combat gender-based discrimination as well as changing gender norms in education. It then explores the potential economic gains of greater gender equality under different scenarios. Indeed, a greater sharing of paid and unpaid work between men and women will lead to economic gains, but it requires changing norms, mindsets, and attitudes. Such changes take time, but policy has a role to play in raising public awareness of gender biases in society and promoting change.
  • 12-July-2021

    English, PDF, 402kb

    Risks That Matter 2020 Country Highlights: Estonia

    Risks That Matter 2020 Country Highlights: Estonia

  • 24-juin-2011


    Estonie : tirer le meilleur parti de la mondialisation

    L'Estonie a déjà tiré grand profit du renforcement de son intégration internationale, et notamment des résultats probants obtenus en matière de convergence.

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  • 11-mai-2009


    La flexibilité du marché du travail en Estonie : comment l’améliorer ?

    Ce document a pour thème l’élimination des obstacles résiduels au redéploiement des travailleurs entre emplois, secteurs et régions, au profit des activités plus productives.

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  • 18-March-2003


    Labour Market and Social Policies in the Baltic Countries

    This review analyses the key issues facing each of the Baltic States - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - given its specific economic and social trends.

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