
By Date

  • 25-May-2011


    Bank Profitability: Financial Statements of Banks 2010 - OECD Banking Statistics

    Trends in bank profitability and factors affecting it are major indicators of changes in the state of health of national banking systems. This publication provides nationally aggregated financial statements of banks data for OECD member countries. The coverage of banks is not the same in each country, though the objective is to include all institutions that conduct ordinary banking business, namely institutions which primarily take deposits from the public at large and provide finance for a wide range of purposes. Some information on the number of reporting banks, their branches and staff is also included, as well as structural information regarding the whole financial sector. Moreover, ratios, based on various items of the financial statements of banks in percentage of some specific aggregates, are supplied to facilitate the analysis of trends in bank profitability of OECD countries. Times series available vary according to country, but generally the last five years of available data are shown.
  • 4-May-2011


    OECD Statistics on International Trade in Services 2010, Volume II, Detailed Tables by Partner Country

    This OECD publication provides statistics on international trade in services by partner country for 28 OECD countries plus the European Union (EU27), the Euro area, and Hong Kong, China as well as definitions and methodological notes. The data concern trade between residents and non-residents of countries and are reported within the framework of the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services. This book includes summary tables of trade patterns listing the main trading partners for each country and by broad service category. Series are shown in US dollars and cover the period 2004-2008.
  • 2-février-2011


    Accroître l'efficacité du secteur public en République Slovaque

    Il est urgent d’améliorer l’efficacité de la collecte des impôts et taxes ; des plans visant à unifier le recouvrement de l’impôt et des cotisations de sécurité sociale doivent être mis en œuvre rapidement et les dispositifs de tirage sur les fonds de l’UE doivent devenir plus efficaces.

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  • 7-December-2010


    International Trade by Commodity Statistics - Volume 2009 Issue 5

    This reliable source of yearly data covers a wide range of statistics on international trade of OECD countries and provides detailed data in value by commodity and by partner country. Each of the first four volumes of International Trade by Commodity Statistics contains the tables for seven countries, published in the order in which they become available. The fifth volume includes the OECD main country groupings (OECD-Total, NAFTA, OECD-Asia and Pacific, OECD-Europe and EU27). For each country, this publication shows detailed tables relating to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Revision 3, Sections and Divisions (one- and two- digit). Each table presents imports and exports of a given commodity with about one hundred partner countries or country groupings (NAFTA, etc.) for the most recent six-year period available.
  • 18-November-2009


    Slovak Republic - Key economic projections

    Economic forecasts for GDP, unemployment, inflation and fiscal balance

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  • 9-mars-2009


    Accroître la flexibilité de l’économie Slovaque durant la phase de rattrapage

    Comme dans les autres pays en phase de rattrapage, l’inflation devrait rester élevée à l’avenir sous l’effet du phénomène de convergence nominale en Slovaquie.

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  • 9-mars-2009


    Ajuster la politique du logement en Slovaquie dans le contexte de l’adoption de l’Euro

    L’une des caractéristiques du marché du logement en République slovaque, conséquence du programme de privatisation engagé au début des années 90, est la quasi-inexistence d’un marché locatif privé.

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  • 9-March-2009


    Achieving fiscal flexibility and safeguarding sustainability - The case of Slovakia

    Euro Area entry calls for more fiscal flexibility to absorb cyclical shocks that cannot be dealt with by the common monetary policy. At the same time fiscal consolidation must not be put at risk, especially given rising ageing related costs.

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  • 5-septembre-2008

    Français, , 597kb

    La performance environnementale de l'agriculture dans les pays de l'OCDE depuis 1990 : Slovak Republic

    La performance environnementale de l'agriculture dans les pays de l'OCDE depuis 1990 : Slovak Republic

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  • 16-June-2008

    English, , 38kb

    Slovak websites on agri-environmental issues

    Links to sites from the Slovak Republic on agri-environmental issues.

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