
Publications & documents

  • 14-November-2022


    Statistical Insights - To leave or not to leave: How are the world’s largest MNEs responding to the war in Ukraine?

    Navigating challenging business environments is standard practice for most Multinational Enterprises (MNEs), as they often operate in several countries coordinating their activities over multiple markets. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has triggered unprecedented economic sanctions with potentially far‑reaching implications for doing business in Russia.

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  • 19-May-2022


    New approaches to compute TiVA indicators for the United Kingdom

    This report examines UK engagement in Global Value Chains from a national perspective, with the objective of complementing existing indicators of trade integration.

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  • 15-mars-2022


    Commerce bilatéral des biens par industrie et catégorie d'utilisation finale

    La base de données de l'OCDE sur les échanges extérieurs bilatéraux présente, pour l'ensemble des pays de l'OCDE et un grand nombre d'économies non Membres, les flux d'échanges de biens exprimés en dollars des É-U à prix courants et ventilés par branche d'activité et type d'utilisation finale.

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  • 18-February-2022


    Recent trends in transport and insurance costs and estimates at disaggregated product level

    Statistics Working Paper N. 112 2022/2 - This paper updates the OECD International Transport and Insurance Cost (ITIC) of Merchandise Trade database, which covers more than 180 countries and partners, and over 1000 products from 1995 to 2020. Transport and insurance costs, also known as CIF-FOB margins, are estimated using a gravity model.

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  • 17-February-2022


    Using unit value indices as proxies for international merchandise trade prices

    Statistics Working Paper N. 111 2022/1 - In light of the need for detailed and timely internationally comparable trade price indices, this paper describes a multi-tiered methodology to mitigate many of the empirical challenges associated with using customs data, to provide more robust estimates of unit value indices (UVIs) by country and product.

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  • 8-July-2021


    Regional-Global Trade in Value-added Initiatives

    Recent years have seen a significant increase in international efforts to develop measures of Trade in Value Added (TiVA), driven by growing demands for better, more comprehensive and more timely data on global value chains in order to understand their drivers and impacts. Examples of initiatives include the OECD TiVA, Eurostat FIGARO, North American TiVA, APEC TiVA, and MRIO tables developed by ADB and UNECLAC.

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  • 4-June-2021


    Enterprises in Global Value Chains

    Statistics on the role of these different types of firms in Global Value Chains (GVCs) are essential to facilitate policy making and to provide insights in the nexus between international trade, international investment, and production. The OECD has therefore started a work-stream that extends the Trade in Value Added (TiVA) dataset by breaking down industries into new categories of firms, including SMEs and MNEs.

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  • 11-février-2020


    Statistiques sur les échanges internationaux des services

    L'OCDE collecte et diffuse des statistiques annuelles sur les échanges internationaux des services pour tous les pays de l'OCDE, selon les pays partenaires, et détaillées par catégories de services.

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  • 7-mars-2019


    Statistiques du commerce international de marchandises

    Un premier objectif du Programme de statistiques du commerce international de l'OCDE est de compiler des séries de base sur le commerce international de marchandises, comparables entre les pays, analytiquement utiles, mises à jour en temps réel et disponibles pour la période la plus longue possible.

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  • 16-June-2017


    Trade in Value Added: Measuring recent trends in Global Value Chains

    Current Trade in Value Added (TiVA) estimates have significant time lags. To address this issue and meet the high demand for more timely TiVA estimates, the OECD has developed a ‘now-casting’ approach to generate indicators for more recent periods.

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