
Publications & documents

  • 28-mai-2024


    Statistiques de l'OCDE sur le commerce international : tendances au premier trimestre 2024

    Les exportations de marchandises du G20 rebondissent au T1 2024 et les voyages stimulent le commerce de services

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  • 27-May-2024


    OECD Short-Term Indicators Dashboard

    Nowadays, policymaking and economic analyses rely heavily on statistics and international comparisons. The demand for high-frequency, reliable but also easily accessible data is increasing. To respond to this demand, the OECD has created the Short-Term Indicators Dashboard, covering G20 countries and selected regional aggregates. It allows users to follow key macro-economic developments using interactive charts and tables.

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  • 23-mai-2024


    Croissance du PIB - premier trimestre 2024, OCDE

    La croissance du PIB de l’OCDE a peu évolué au premier trimestre de 2024

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  • 7-mai-2024


    Croissance et bien-être économique : quatrième trimestre 2023, OCDE

    Le revenu réel des ménages se redresse au dernier trimestre 2023

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  • 7-mai-2024


    Bien-être économique des ménages : le tableau de bord de l’OCDE

    L’OCDE a développé un Tableau de bord des indicateurs sur les ménages vous donnant la possibilité de voir comment les ménages se portent dans les pays de l’OCDE. Une série d’articles par pays permettant une analyse plus poussée a également été développée ; ce trimestre : le point sur les ménages italiens.

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  • 12-April-2024


    Annual National Accounts: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Answers to mostly asked questions about GDP and other national accounts data series.

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  • 12-April-2024


    The OECD Consumer Barometer

    The OECD has developed a new tool, the OECD Consumer Barometer that further exploits and visualises consumer confidence data. The indicator, expressed as the monthly growth rate of the normalised consumer confidence indicator (CCI), has been designed with a view to clarity and reactivity in our presentation of measures of consumer sentiment.

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  • 12-avril-2024


    Indicateurs composites avancés de l'OCDE

    Les indicateurs composites avancés (ICA) de l’OCDE sont conçus pour anticiper les points de retournement de l’activité économique par rapport à sa tendance. Accédez à la base de données at à la méthodologie.

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  • 21-March-2024


    Monitoring Maritime Trade: The OECD AIS Vessel Tracking Dashboard

    This new OECD AIS Tracking Dashboard visualises key indicators on ports and maritime trade. Indicators still need to be refined, by complementing the AIS database with additional data sources, but already provide a useful source of information to monitor trade, at the country and global levels.

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  • 19-March-2024


    An ocean of data - The potential of data on vessel traffic

    Rising uncertainties and geo-political tensions, together with increasingly complex trade relations have increased the demand for monitoring global trade in a timely manner. Although it was primarily designed to ensure vessel safety, information from the Automatic Information System, which allows for the tracking of vessels across the globe, is particularly well suited for providing insights on port activity and maritime trade developments, which accounts for a large share of global trade. Data are available in quasi real time but need to be pre-processed and validated. This paper contributes to existing research in this field in two major ways. First, it proposes a new methodology to identify ports, at a higher level of granularity than in past research. Second, it builds indicators to monitor port congestion and trends in maritime trade flows and provides more granular information to better understand those flows. Those indicators will still need to be refined, by complementing the AIS database with additional data sources, but already provide a useful source of information to monitor trade, at the country and global levels.
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