
Derniers documents

  • 14-June-2024

    English, PDF, 356kb

    OECD Air transport CO2 emissions methodology

    The Air transport CO2 emissions data available in the OECD database "Air transport CO2 emissions" is compiled from 2019-Q1 onwards using Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) flight data provided by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).

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  • 13-June-2024


    Greenhouse gas emissions data - Concepts and data availability

    Statistics Working Paper N. 2024/03 - Greenhouse gas emissions data is essential for tracking progress towards the Paris Agreement’s global temperature goals. In addition to the emissions inventories based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change guidelines, which are used for tracking progress under the framework of the Paris Agreement, there are other GHG emissions datasets that cater to different users and policy objectives.

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  • 13-June-2024


    Greenhouse gas emissions data - Concepts and data availability

    Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data is essential for tracking progress towards the Paris Agreement’s global temperature goals. In addition to the emissions inventories based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change guidelines, which are used for tracking progress under the framework of the Paris Agreement, there are other GHG emissions datasets that cater to different users and policy objectives. This paper evaluates three OECD datasets on GHG emissions: Air emissions – Greenhouse gas emissions inventories, Agricultural greenhouse gases emissions, and the Air Emissions Accounts (AEAs) based on the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting. It also looks at one dataset from the International Energy Agency: CO2 emissions from fuel combustion. It discusses the inventory and AEA approaches in terms of accounting principles (production- versus demand-based, territory versus residence), as well as classifications and scope of emissions. It looks at the coverage of the GHG emissions datasets and identifies the data gaps. Finally, the paper outlines several steps to enhance data coverage and quality of the datasets.
  • 15-March-2024


    GHG Emission Trends and Targets (GETT) - Harmonised quantification methodology and indicators

    The Paris Agreement maps out a path for internationally coordinated efforts to curb global warming. At the centre of the Paris Agreement are Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that establish countries’ plans to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well as adapt to the impacts of climate change.

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  • 23-June-2023


    Public policy uses of the SEEA stocks and flows accounts

    The System of Environmental Economic Accounting Central Framework (SEEA CF) was adopted in 2012. In one decade, it has expanded to 92 countries, including most OECD countries. However, there is still work to be done by national statistics producers to increase the use of SEEA statistics. This paper focuses on the SEEA stocks and flows accounts, providing examples of where they are already used to support public policy making in high-priority areas such as climate change, environmental sustainability, the circular economy, and management of ecosystems and freshwater, as well as feeding into indicators, dashboards and other frameworks. Although these examples show that SEEA statistics are already informing public policy making in many countries, there are still important 'influence gaps'. The second part of this paper discusses why these gaps exist and what can be done about them.
  • 8-December-2022

    English, PDF, 238kb

    Methods note: Producing OECD quarterly air emission accounts

    Our estimates track emissions of CO2 and other GHGs that are released into the atmosphere. They are compiled for the Air Emissions Accounts (AEAs) of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA). We use the SEEA approach because it is consistent with international standards for compiling the national accounts, which makes it easier to monitor the impact of the economy on the environment.

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  • 8-March-2022


    CO2 Emissions from air transport: A near-real-time global database for policy analysis

    Statistics Working Paper N. 114 2022/4 - This paper describes a new OECD database providing near-real-time and global information on aviation-related CO2 emissions, with allocations across countries following either the territory or the residence principle. This database provides a public good for both statistical measurement and environmental policy analysis.

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