
Working Papers

  • 12-March-2015


    Big Data for Advancing Dementia Research - An Evaluation of Data Sharing Practices in Research on Age-related Neurodegenerative Diseases

    Dementia is increasing in prevalence, and to date has no cure or treatment. One element in improving this situation is using and sharing data more widely to increase the power of research. Further, moving beyond established medical data into big data offers the potential to tap into routinely collected data from both within and outside the health system.

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  • 23-January-2015


    Measuring Design and its Role in Innovation

    This working paper sums up the main findings of an OECD project aiming to provide an evidence basis for focusing efforts to improve the measurement of technological and non-technological forms of business innovation, with particular focus on the role of design. It reviews a broad range of novel design-related measures, indicating their advantages and limitations in terms of policy relevance and insights.

  • 2-April-2014


    Environmental Policies and Risk Finance in the Green Sector: Cross-country Evidence

    Risk finance is essential for new ventures to commercialise new ideas and grow, especially in emerging sectors. Yet very little is known about the drivers and characteristics of risk finance in the green sector. This paper aims to fill this gap by providing a detailed description of risk finance in the green sector across 29 countries and identifying the role that policies might have in shaping high-growth investments.

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  • 18-February-2014


    Intelligent Demand: Policy Rationale, Design and Potential Benefits

    This paper reviews demand-side innovation policies, their rationales and importance across countries, different approaches to their design, the challenges entailed in their implementation and evaluation, and good practices. Three main forms of demand-side policy are considered: innovation-oriented public procurement, innovation-oriented regulations, and standards, with emphasis on innovation-oriented public procurement.

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  • 10-September-2013


    A Cross-Country Characterisation of the Patenting Behaviour of Firms based on Matched Firm and Patent Data (STI Working Paper 2013/5)

    This paper proposes an exploratory characterisation of firms’ patenting behaviours across 15 countries. The stylised facts proposed are meant to serve as a basis for broader policy relevant analyses, and as a starting point for a more informed discussion on the role of country-specific framework conditions in explaining the observed differences in firm behaviours and outcomes.

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  • 10-January-2013


    Mapping Careers and Mobility of Doctorate Holders: Draft Guidelines, Model Questionnaire and Indicators – Third Edition (STI Working Paper 2012/7)

    This paper presents a new edition of the project's technical guidelines including methodological guidelines, a core model questionnaire and instruction manual, and the output tables used for reporting data at the international level and related definitions.

  • 19-December-2012


    Mixed Modes of Innovation: An Empiric Approach to Capturing Firms’ Innovation Behaviour (STI Working Paper 2012/6)

    This study uses exploratory data analysis techniques to develop typologies of innovation modes or strategies for groups of firms. Analysing micro-level survey data from 18 countries we identify five innovation modes. The coherence and relevance of the innovation modes is tested by using them as explanatory factors in equations explaining economic performance.

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  • 26-novembre-2012


    Atténuation et adaptation au changement climatique en Afrique : analyse des données sur les brevets - Document de travail No. 50

    Ce rapport livre des données comparatives sur l’innovation concernant certaines technologies d’atténuation du changement climatique et d’adaptation à ses effets dans le contexte de l’Afrique. L’analyse de ces données éclaire l’élaboration des politiques visant à encourager les transferts internationaux de technologies et le renforcement des capacités nationales d’innovation.

    Documents connexes
  • 24-May-2012


    Modes of Public Funding of Research and Development: Towards Internationally Comparable Indicators (OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper 2012/4)

    This paper presents the results of data collection across 18 countries and demonstrates that it is possible to produce new policy relevant indicators on public funding of R&D. Initial findings highlight interesting differences across countries in terms of their approaches to R&D funding.

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  • 23-April-2012


    Measuring the Broadband Bonus in Thirty OECD Countries (OECD Digital Economy Paper 197)

    This working paper provides estimates of the economic value created by broadband Internet using measures of new gross domestic product and consumer surplus.

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