
Latest Documents

  • 21-May-2024


    Digital health

    OECD work covers digital strategy, health data governance, health workforce policy, telemedicine/telehealth and artificial intelligence, among other topics.

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  • 17-mai-2024


    Personnels de santé

    Les personnels de santé sont essentiels pour assurer l'accès à des soins de qualité pour toute la population. Le travail de l'OCDE examine les tendances et les priorités en ce qui concerne les politiques en matière de personnels de santé dans les pays de l'OCDE.

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  • 16-May-2024


    Ageing and Long-term Care

    With populations in OECD countries ageing, more people are living with long-term care needs. The OECD Health Division has an ongoing programme of work to support countries in developing long-term care systems that can meet the needs of their populations now and in the future.

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  • 16-May-2024


    Healthcare Quality and Outcomes

    Providing patients with care that is safe, effective and responsive to patient needs is now recognised as the foremost objective of health systems in all OECD countries. We measure quality of care and help governments identify the drivers of high-quality care as the cornerstone of quality improvement.

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  • 11-April-2024


    Mental Health

    OECD work on mental health looks at deepening understanding of the population burden of mental ill-health, improving mental health promotion and ill-health prevention, measuring the performance of mental health systems, recommending best practices across health, employment, education and social welfare policies, and promoting a more integrated approach to mental health policy.

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  • 20-February-2024



    Pharmaceuticals have contributed to improvements in life expectancy and quality of life of many patients. Medicines can cure, relieve symptoms, delay the onset of disease and prevent complications. They often offer good value for money. However, recent trends raise a number of concerns.

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  • 13-February-2024


    Public Health

    The OECD work on public health explores major risk factors including obesity, diet, physical activity, alcohol consumption, tobacco and environmental risks, NCDs, as well as antimicrobial resistance.

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  • 6-février-2024


    Inégalités en santé

    Malgré les progrès remarquables de l’état de santé et de l’espérance de vie dans les pays de l’OCDE au cours des dernières décennies, de nombreuses inégalités subsistent non seulement entre les pays, mais aussi entre les groupes de population au sein de chaque pays. Ces inégalités en santé sont liées à de multiples facteurs, dont les différences dans l’exposition aux facteurs de risque sanitaires et dans l’accès aux soins de santé.

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  • 17-January-2024


    Health Expenditure

    Latest OECD estimates point to average health expenditure growth of 5% in 2020, driven by the exceptionally high growth in spending by government and compulsory schemes (+8.1%) in response to the additional needs to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Preliminary estimates for a group of 17 countries suggest that health spending increased by around 6% on average in 2021, according to OECD Health Statistics 2022, released in July 2022.

  • 24-November-2023


    Antimicrobial Resistance

    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a complex issue of global concern with potentially dramatic health and economic consequences. The OECD provides a forum for discussion and provide countries with the evidence to implement effective and cost-effective policies to tackle AMR, promote effective use of antimicrobials and incentivise research and development in the antibiotic sector.

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