
Working Papers

  • 1-juillet-2013


    Belgique : améliorer l’efficience et la flexibilité du secteur de la santé pour s’adapter au vieillissement de la population

    La Belgique a su se doter de services de santé accessibles, mais le morcellement des responsabilités au sein du système et le poids de la réglementation risquent de rendre l’adaptation au vieillissement de la population difficile.

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  • 26-juin-2013


    Restructurer les dépenses sociales en Slovénie

    Restaurer la soutenabilité des finances publiques est un enjeu majeur en Slovénie. Cependant, la maîtrise des dépenses est faible et les dépenses sociales publiques ont fortement augmenté durant la crise – nettement plus qu’en moyenne dans la zone OCDE.

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  • 25-juin-2013


    Une méthode de prévisions des dépenses publiques de santé et de soins de longue durée

    Ce papier présente une nouvelle série de projections des dépenses publiques de santé et de soins de longue durée jusqu’en 2060, sept ans après la publication d’une première série de projections par l’OCDE. Le papier étudie la santé et les soins de longue durée séparément ainsi que les déterminants démographiques et non-démographiques.

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  • 20-September-2011

    English, , 615kb

    Medical Tourism: Treatments, Markets and Health System Implications: A scoping review

    Despite the high-profile media interest and coverage, there is a lack of hard research evidence on the role and impact of medical tourism for OECD countries.

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  • 31-August-2011


    OECD Health Working Paper No. 57. The Impact of Pay Increases on Nurses' Labour Market: A Review of Evidence from Four OECD Countries

    This report reviews the impact of pay increases on nurses’ labour market in four countries (UK, New Zealand, Finland and Czech Republic). Pay increases contributed to an increase in potential new entrants to nurse education, but the effect on nurses already in work is more difficult to assess.

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  • 20-April-2011


    OECD Health Working Paper No. 56. Description of Alternative Approaches to Measure and Place a Value on Hospital Products in Seven OECD Countries

    To assess the feasibility of using secondary data sets information to feed an output-based PPP approach for hospital services, we reviewed the main characteristics of diagnoses and procedures coding standards, DRG classification systems, and cost-finding methods used in selected OECD countries.

  • 7-February-2011


    OECD Health Working Paper No. 55: Mortality Amenable to Health Care in 31 OECD Countries: Estimates and Methodological Issues

    The mortality amenable to health care is defined as a possible indicator to measure the health care systems performance in preventing premature deaths that can be avoided by appropriate health care intervention. This paper assesses the feasibility of using this indicator in OECD countries.

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  • 9-July-2010


    No. 53 - Comparing Price Levels of Hospital Services Across Countries: Results of Pilot Study

    Health services account for a large and increasing share of production and expenditure in OECD countries but there are also noticeable differences between countries in expenditure per capita. Whether such differences are due to more services consumed in some countries than in others or whether they reflect differences in the price of services is a question of significant policy relevance. Yet, cross-country comparisons of the price of

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  • 28-May-2010


    OECD Health Working Paper No. 49: The Challenge of Financing Health Care in the Current Crisis: An Analysis based on the OECD Data

    The ratio of health expenditure to GDP, which in macroeconomic terms is an indicator which summarises the financing needs of a national health system, is likely to rise in countries for which the GDP falls. This paper reviews the possible implications of the recessions for this ratio.

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  • 3-May-2010


    OECD Health Working Paper No. 50: Health Systems Institutional Characteristics: A Survey of 29 OECD Countries

    In 2008, the OECD launched a survey to collect information on the health systems characteristics of member countries. This paper presents the informaton provided by 29 of these countries in 2009.

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