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  • 17-October-2019


    Policy initiatives for health and the bioeconomy

    This document presents and compares 12 policy initiatives from OECD countries with a focus on policy objectives, target groups, sectoral priorities, budget, time horizon, selection criteria, international collaboration, and evaluation of the initiatives.

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  • 25-July-2019


    Recent Trends in International Migration of Doctors, Nurses and Medical Students

    This report describes recent trends in the international migration of doctors and nurses in OECD countries. Over the past decade, the number of doctors and nurses has increased in many OECD countries, and foreign-born and foreign-trained doctors and nurses have contributed to a significant extent. New in-depth analysis of the internationalisation of medical education shows that in some countries (e.g. Israel, Norway, Sweden and the United States) a large and growing number of foreign-trained doctors are people born in these countries who obtained their first medical degree abroad before coming back. The report includes four case studies on the internationalisation of medical education in Europe (France, Ireland, Poland and Romania) as well as a case study on the integration of foreign-trained doctors in Canada.
  • 23-June-2018


    Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms in the Environment, Volume 8 - OECD Consensus Document of the Biology of Mosquito Aedes aegypti

    Volume 8 of the Series contains the first biosafety ‘consensus document’ to deal with the biology of an insect, the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Issued by the OECD Working Group on the Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology, the science-based consensus documents collate information for use during the regulatory risk assessment of biotechnology products, i.e. transgenic organisms (plants, animals, micro-organisms) when intended for release in the environment. Ae. aegypti mosquito is vectoring yellow fever, dengue, Zika and Chikungunya diseases in tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide. Biotechnological applications are developed to control the mosquito population and reduce virus transmission. The book provides information on Ae. aegypti taxonomy, morphology, life cycle, reproductive biology, genetics, ecology, interactions with other species and the environment. The mosquito effects on human and animal health, and the control strategies/specific programmes to limit its development are also summarised.
  • 22-September-2017


    The microbiome, diet and health: Towards a science and innovation agenda

    There is now strong evidence that microbiomes play an important role in human health, as there are clear linkages to many major non-communicable diseases. This report assesses the key policy challenges for innovation in the microbiome. It argues that if such a promising scientific field is to lead to innovative applications, policies on science and innovation must be improved in five areas.

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  • 16-January-2017


    Policy Forum on the Future of Health

    This High-Level Forum will be held at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris on 16 January 2017. Issues include: Harnessing digital technology and data to create proactive, people-centred systems; Overcoming technical, institutional and cultural challenges; Caring for people with complex needs; The importance of measuring what matters to people and to patients, and The role of international and cross-sector collaboration.

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  • 10-January-2017


    Tackling Wasteful Spending on Health

    Following a brief pause after the economic crisis, health expenditure is rising again in most OECD countries. Yet, a considerable part of this health expenditure makes little or no contribution to improving people's health. In some cases, it even results in worse health outcomes. Countries could potentially spend significantly less on health care with no impact on health system performance, or on health outcomes. This report systematically reviews strategies put in place by countries to limit ineffective spending and waste. On the clinical front, preventable errors and low-value care are discussed. The operational waste discussion reviews strategies to obtain lower prices for medical goods and to better target the use of expensive inputs. Finally, the report reviews countries experiences in containing administrative costs and integrity violations in health.
  • 5-December-2016


    Life Annuity Products and Their Guarantees

    This publication helps policy makers to better understand annuity products and the guarantees they provide in order to optimise the role that these products can play in financing retirement. Product design is a crucial factor in the potential role of annuity products within the pension system, along with the cost and demand for these products, and the resulting risks that are borne by the annuity providers. Increasingly complex products, however, pose additional challenges concerning consumer protection. Consumers need to be aware of their options and have access to unbiased and comprehensible advice and information about these products.
  • 18-October-2016


    G7 Health Ministers meeting in Kobe on 11-12 September 2016 recognises OECD work

    The G7 Health Ministers meeting in Kobe on 11-12 September welcomed OECD work on the linkages between Universal Health Coverage and healthy ageing, and recognised OECD work on access to innovative health treatments. The OECD will deliver initial findings following the French-led initiative to identify innovative options to pay for new medicines and high-cost treatments at the 17 January 2016 OECD Health Ministers meeting.

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  • 21-septembre-2016


    Launch event of the report “Working for health and growth: investing in the health workforce”: closing remarks by Angel Gurría

    La Commission de haut niveau sur l’emploi en santé et la croissance économique, présidée par S. E. François Hollande et S. E. Jacob Zuma, a présenté aujourd'hui son rapport final et ses recommandations au Secrétaire général de l'ONU, Ban Ki-moon, en marge de l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies à New York.

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  • 20-September-2016


    Second and final meeting of the UNSG High-level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth, with Angel Gurría as co-vice chair

    Second and final meeting of the UNSG High-level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth, with Angel Gurría as co-vice chair. The final report will be released on September 20, 2016.

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