

  • 21-November-2013

    English, PDF, 312kb

    Health spending fell in real terms in the United Kingdom in 2010 and 2011, says OECD Health at a Glance report

    Health spending has fallen in the United Kingdom in 2010 and 2011 for the first time since the 1970s, according to a new OECD report. Health at a Glance 2013 says that spending in real terms per capita fell by 1.1% in 2011, following a 2.5% decline in 2010.

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  • 31-August-2011


    OECD Health Working Paper No. 57. The Impact of Pay Increases on Nurses' Labour Market: A Review of Evidence from Four OECD Countries

    This report reviews the impact of pay increases on nurses’ labour market in four countries (UK, New Zealand, Finland and Czech Republic). Pay increases contributed to an increase in potential new entrants to nurse education, but the effect on nurses already in work is more difficult to assess.

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  • 20-April-2011


    OECD Health Working Paper No. 56. Description of Alternative Approaches to Measure and Place a Value on Hospital Products in Seven OECD Countries

    To assess the feasibility of using secondary data sets information to feed an output-based PPP approach for hospital services, we reviewed the main characteristics of diagnoses and procedures coding standards, DRG classification systems, and cost-finding methods used in selected OECD countries.

  • 7-February-2011


    OECD Health Working Paper No. 55: Mortality Amenable to Health Care in 31 OECD Countries: Estimates and Methodological Issues

    The mortality amenable to health care is defined as a possible indicator to measure the health care systems performance in preventing premature deaths that can be avoided by appropriate health care intervention. This paper assesses the feasibility of using this indicator in OECD countries.

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  • 30-mars-2007

    Français, , 1kb

    Les tendances de l'incapacité parmi la population âgée: Analyse des évolutions dans 12 pays de l'OCDE et des implications futures (Document de travail sur la santé)

    Alors que le nombre et la proportion de personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus vont continuer de s’accroître au cours des prochaines décennies, une amélioration de l’état fonctionnel des personnes âgées pourrait contribuer à ralentir l’augmentation de la demande.

    Documents connexes
  • 1-August-2001

    English, , 82kb

    Using Hospital Administrative Databases for a Disease-based Approach

    This working paper provides a preliminary overview of the main hospital administrative data sets potentially available in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden and the United States.

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