
Latest Documents

  • 20-March-2019


    OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Portugal

    This review provides policy recommendations on how to improve the Portuguese pension system, building on the OECD’s best practices in pension design. It details the Portuguese pension system and identifies its strengths and weaknesses based on cross-country comparisons. The Portuguese pension system consists of an old-age safety net, a pay-as-you-go defined benefit scheme and voluntary private savings. The safety net includes an old-age social pension and a complement (the so-called Complemento Solidário para Idosos or CSI), both of which pursue similar objectives but have different eligibility criteria. The defined benefit scheme has two main components: the general social security scheme (regime geral da Segurança Social) and the civil-servant pension scheme (Caixa Geral de Aposentações or CGA). The latter has been closed to new entrants since 2006 with new civil servants contributing to the general scheme. Funded voluntary pensions make up a very small share of total pension entitlements. The OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Portugal is the fourth in the series, after Ireland (2014), Mexico (2016) and Latvia (2018), with a fifth review on Peru under preparation. 
  • 3-December-2018

    English, PDF, 3,174kb

    Are survivor pensions still needed? (Policy brief)

    This policy brief summarises the findings assembled in OECD (2018) “Are survivor pensions still needed?”, Pensions Outlook, Chapter 7. It describes survivor pension schemes in OECD countries: expenditures on survivor pensions the number of recipients and the average level of benefits, details about eligibility rules and benefit determination across countries...

  • 14-mai-2018


    Forum de haut niveau et Réunion ministérielle sur les politiques sociales 2018

    e 15 mai 2018, les ministres responsables de la politique sociale de plus de 35 pays membres et partenaires de l'OCDE se rencontreront à Montréal pour échanger sur les défis, les opportunités et les meilleures pratiques de leur pays en matière de protection sociale lors d'une réunion intitulée Des politiques sociales pour une prospérité partagée : S’ouvrir à l’avenir.

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  • 7-March-2018


    OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Latvia

    This report assesses the performance of all components of Latvia's pension system. Latvia was the first country to fully implement a non-financial (notional) defined contribution (NDC) scheme in 1996. A funded mandatory earnings-related scheme complemented NDC since 2001. Voluntary private pensions cover only limited number of people. Over the last 20 years, the severe economic crisis, population ageing and strong emigration have revealed both strengths and weaknesses of the Latvian pension system. The review assesses also the minimum and basic pension schemes which provide the first-layer of protection against the old age poverty especially for those with short or patchy careers. Separate analysis focuses on the disability and early retirement schemes, including the schemes for workers in arduous and hazardous occupations. The detailed analysis leads to tailored recommendations on how to improve the performance of each element as well as the pension system as a whole.
  • 18-October-2017


    Preventing Ageing Unequally

    This report examines how the two global mega-trends of population ageing and rising inequalities have been developing and interacting, both within and across generations. Taking a life-course perspective the report shows how inequalities in education, health, employment and earnings compound, resulting in large differences in lifetime earnings across different groups. It suggests a policy agenda to prevent, mitigate and cope with inequalities along the life course drawing on good practices in OECD countries and emerging economies.
  • 1-December-2014


    Pensions at a Glance - Latin America and the Caribbean

    This comprehensive examination of pension systems in Latin America and the Caribbean looks at recent trends in retirement and working at older ages, evolving life expectancy, design of pension systems, and pension entitlements before providing a series of country profiles. The special chapter analyses the coverage and adequacy of Latin American pension systems.    
  • 4-June-2012


    The conflict between generations: Fact or fiction?

    Expect the issue of solidarity between generations to become a major policy challenge in the years ahead, and not just in OECD countries. Here’s why.

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  • 8-février-2012


    L’impact des modifications du deuxième pilier du système de retraite sur les finances publiques en Europe centrale et orientale

    Cette étude analyse l’impact des changements récents apportés au deuxième pilier du système de retraite dans trois pays d’Europe centrale et orientale sur le déficit budgétaire et la dette implicite du système de retraite.

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  • 28-October-2010


    Decomposing National Defined-Contribution Pensions: Experience of the OECD Countries' Reforms (Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 109)

    This paper compares notional defined-contribution pension schemes (also known as notional accounts) with two alternative designs of earnings-related pension schemes: points systems and definedbenefit plans.

  • 1-October-2010


    Trends in Pension Eligibility Ages and Life Expectancy, 1950-2050 (Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 105)

    The pensionable age is the most visible parameter of retirement-income systems. This paper surveys pensionable ages in the OECD for a period of a century: back to 1950 and forward to 2050.

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