

  • 12-June-2023


    Confronting the cost-of-living and housing crisis in cities

    Cities across the world have been battling a housing crisis in recent decades, with many residents increasingly struggling to find affordable homes, and broader issues arising around tackling homelessness, improving housing quality, and harnessing the role of housing in climate change mitigation. This housing crisis has been exacerbated by the cost-of-living crisis that saw inflation reach record highs in 2022. City mayors can take critical action through their powers over housing, land use, and infrastructure. This paper highlights the systemic issues underlying the housing crisis in cities, and offers inspiring examples of how cities in OECD countries and beyond have been addressing these challenges. It aims to inform the 6th Meeting of OECD Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth and drive positive change towards more affordable cities and homes for all.
  • 7-juin-2023


    Pierre par pierre (Volume 2) - De meilleures politiques du logement dans l’après COVID-19

    S'appuyant sur les conclusions de Pierre par pierre : Bâtir de nouvelles politiques du logement, ce deuxième volume se penche sur les tendances de fond qui façonnent les politiques du logement dans l'ère post-COVID-19. Le premier chapitre offre une vue d'ensemble en examinant la nécessité de surveiller l'impact de la pandémie sur l'accessibilité du logement, de répondre à la crise énergétique par l’intensification des efforts de décarbonation des logements, de maintenir la résilience du système financier face aux cycles immobiliers et de faciliter l’adaptation des marchés du logement à la montée en puissance du travail à distance et des préoccupations environnementales. Le deuxième chapitre est consacré à la décarbonisation du secteur du logement. Il recommande de combiner tarification du carbone, certification et réglementation de l'efficacité énergétique, et subventions pour atteindre les objectifs de zéro émission nette tout en tenant compte des spécificités du marché du logement. Le chapitre appelle également au déploiement de politiques complémentaires pour limiter les effets négatifs sur les ménages à faible revenu. Le troisième chapitre examine le financement du logement, en mettant l'accent sur la tension entre le soutien aux emprunts hypothécaires et la promotion de la résilience financière. Il aborde également l'essor du financement non bancaire de l'immobilier et le soutien que les marchés du crédit hypothécaire peuvent apporter à la décarbonisation du logement. Le quatrième chapitre, qui explore la manière dont le nouvel équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée, rendu possible par l'essor du travail à distance, remodèle la demande de logements, propose un ensemble d’ajustements des politiques urbaines pour répondre à ce changement. Dans l'ensemble, le rapport fournit un large éventail d’options de réforme pour améliorer les politiques de logement dans le monde post-pandémique.
  • 6-June-2023


    The Circular Economy in Tallinn, Estonia

    As a European Green Capital 2023, Tallinn has a unique momentum to set the foundations for its transition from a linear to a circular economy. The newly created Circular Economy Department in the city administration is a signal of this transformation. The city conceives the circular economy as a means to advance environmental goals while generating opportunities for job creation and stimulating innovation through a systems approach. This report summarises the findings from a 20-month policy dialogue between the OECD, the city of Tallinn and stakeholders from public, private and non-profit sectors. It provides the main components of existing circular economy initiatives promoted in Estonia and in the city of Tallinn, key challenges and policy recommendations to help the city develop its long-term vision on the circular economy, setting targets for the future.
  • 17-May-2023


    Taming Wildfires in the Context of Climate Change

    This report provides a global assessment and outlook on wildfire risk in the context of climate change. It discusses the drivers behind the growing incidence of extreme wildfires and the attribution effect of climate change. It outlines the environmental, social and economic impacts of wildfires by illustrating the losses and costs observed during recent extreme wildfire events. Building on this, the report presents the findings of a cross-country comparative analysis of how countries’ policies and practices have evolved in recent years in light of observed and projected changes in wildfire risk. The analysis draws on in-depth case studies conducted in Australia, Costa Rica, Greece, Portugal and the United States. The report underlines the urgent need for governments to scale up climate change adaptation efforts to limit future wildfire costs.
  • 12-mai-2023


    Les contrats entre niveaux de gouvernement - Un outil pour la régionalisation avancée au Maroc

    Ce rapport a pour but d’appuyer la mise en œuvre de l’approche contractuelle pour les relations entre niveaux de gouvernement au Maroc ; l’appropriation par les Régions de leurs compétences propres ; le renforcement de la cohérence des stratégies de développement territorial entre État et Régions ; le dialogue entre les parties prenantes à la réforme de la Régionalisation avancée ainsi que le partage d’expériences avec les pairs. Enfin, est proposée une Checklist des priorités pour un contrat Etat-Région visant le développement territorial inclusif, durable et résilient, sur la base des meilleures pratiques contractuelles observées au Maroc ainsi que dans les pays-membres de l’OCDE.
  • 12-May-2023


    Urban house price gradients in the post-COVID-19 era

    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant shift in the way people work, with an increasing number of individuals opting to work from home. Fewer commutes allow people to live further away from the city centre, where jobs typically concentrate. Against this background, this paper tests the hypothesis of a shift in housing demand away from the city centre towards the suburbs using a novel granular house price data set covering 16 OECD countries. The results indicate a flattening of the house price gradients in most large urban areas with profound consequences for housing policies and the city of the future.
  • 4-May-2023


    Assessing spatial disparities in Internet quality using speed tests

    The quality of Internet connections is increasingly important for people’s daily lives as work and access to services move to the digital sphere. Likewise, businesses and public agencies need to rely more and more on the digital networks for service delivery. However, the way individuals experience the Internet can vary substantially within countries, notably along the urban-rural continuum. Measuring such variation in a consistent way is important to understand where intervention is most needed to deliver better connections to everyone. This paper assesses within-country spatial disparities in connectivity across OECD and G20 countries, using publicly available data on the speed of connections from an Internet speed test provider, applying consistent spatial definitions – i.e. the OECD classification of regions and the Degree of Urbanisation. Using data from Denmark, it finds that the use of speed tests to assess the quality of internet connection is coherent with national sources. Results show that, in OECD countries, regions far from metropolitan areas can experience up to 24% slower Internet speeds than the national average. Overall, cities have 75% higher speed of connection than rural areas, on average.
  • 20-April-2023


    Reshaping Decentralised Development Co-operation in Germany

    German federal states and municipalities have engaged in decentralised development co-operation (DDC) since the 1950s. Germany provides over half of total official development assistance (ODA) in the world that is channelled as DDC. However, most of this support remains within German borders. To incentivise further international partnerships, the federal government has established dedicated programmes and financial support schemes for states and municipalities. This report presents key data on the DDC landscape in Germany and offers guidance on how to strengthen its role in enabling peer-to-peer learning and improve collaboration between German states and municipalities. It also showcases how to further raise awareness about the mutual benefits of DDC partnerships, including through better ODA data reporting and a harmonised approach to monitoring and evaluating its results across levels of government.
  • 20-April-2023


    City-to-City Partnerships to Localise the Sustainable Development Goals

    City-to-city partnerships and decentralised development co-operation (DDC) can play a key role in advancing the SDGs and in addressing global megatrends, the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and other shocks. This report discusses the framework conditions for effective city-to-city partnerships and takes stock of existing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. As a complement, it proposes a systemic monitoring and evaluation framework for city-to-city partnerships to localise the SDGs, combining self-assessment and SDG indicators. This framework aims to bridge the gap in terms of measuring the progress of cities engaged in partnerships on the 2030 Agenda and their compliance with the G20 Rome High-Level Principles on city-to-city partnerships for localising the SDGs. The report also presents lessons learned from a pilot-testing of this new framework and highlights policy implications and ways forward to enhance the sustainability, transparency and accountability of city-to-city partnerships, in a shared responsibility across levels of government and stakeholders.
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