
Meetings / Conferences / Agendas

  • 26-March-2012


    Understanding Growth in Different Types of Regions

    This conference offers a timely opportunity to rethink the approach to regional growth and define new strategic directions for regional policy.

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  • 8-mars-2012


    Table ronde de l'OCDE des maires et ministres : Mobiliser l’investissement au service de la durabilité urbaine, de la création d’emplois et d’une croissance résiliente

    La 4ème Table ronde de l’OCDE des maires et des ministres, qui a eu lieu cette année à Chicago, Illinois (États-Unis), les 8 et 9 mars 2012, offrait une occasion unique de faire avancer les stratégies globales en faveur d’une politique urbaine plus robuste et plus efficace.

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  • 23-November-2011


    Urban Investment Network Summit 2011 (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

    The LEED Programme has been a Knowledge Partner to the Urban Investment Network since its creation and supports this annual Summit. This event addresses important issues facing local leaders and builds on three decades of LEED engagement with public and private sectors.

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  • 19-September-2011


    Conference: Challenge social innovation - Innovating innovation by research, 100 years after Schumpeter (Vienna, Austria)

    The conference aimed to lift social innovation on par with highly valued innovations in business and technology. In 14 thematic panels the conference determined the most needed social innovations and adequate approaches of research.

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  • 24-March-2010


    Conference: Uniting to improve social and economic participation (Melbourne, Australia)

    The conference hosted by NESA within the framework of the LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance saw a strengthening of partnerships between employment services, business leaders, the non-profit sector, governments and other stakeholders from Australia and abroad. Proceedings now online

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  • 24-November-2009


    URBACT Annual Conference

    Active players from European cities will discuss the challenges of integrated sustainable urban development.It will provide a unique opportunity to meet and exchange on the various challenges of urban development, especially in a context of economic downturn and environmental uncertainty.

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  • 28-October-2009


    ULI Urban Investment Network Summit: Private investment, public assets, city futures (Barcelona, Spain)

    A highly interactive programme focused on developing cross-sector connections and knowledge sharing, as well as capturing participant's ideas on key issues and best practice.

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  • 23-October-2009


    The dark cloud of the recession – is there a silver lining?

    Showcase, the HCA Academy's case study library for sustainable communities is seeking your ideas & views in an online debate:- How leaders should respond to the needs of their local areas.- Sharing risk and learning from experience.- The skills people need to remain in the labour ma

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  • 13-February-2002


    Employment Strategies in Transition - Conference Webpage

    The Local Economic and Employment Development Programme (LEED), together with the City of Leipzig, is organizing a conference "Employment Strategies in Transition" to take place on 11 March 2002 in Leipzig, Germany.

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  • 5-December-2001


    City Renewal and Health - Making the Links

    City Renewal and Health Making the Links Thursday 6th December 2001 to Friday 7th December 2001, Central London Health and prosperity go hand in hand. They both need and enhance one another. Leaders of the world's largest cities have ...

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