

  • 12-October-2017


    Driving Performance at Mexico's Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment

    This report applies the PAFER to Mexico’s Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment and assesses its functions, practices and behaviour. It focuses on internal governance, including structures and processes for decision making, managing financial resources, attracting and retaining talent, managing data and assessing performance. The review identifies a number of challenges and opportunities for improvement, and is a companion to reviews of the internal governance of two other Mexican energy regulators, the National Hydrocarbons Commission and the Energy Regulatory Commission, and the review of the external governance of the country’s energy sector, Driving Performance of Mexico’s Energy Regulators.  
  • 12-October-2017


    Driving Performance at Mexico's Energy Regulatory Commission

    This report applies the PAFER to Mexico’s Energy Regulatory Commission and assesses its functions, practices and behaviour. It focuses on internal governance, including structures and processes for decision making, managing financial resources, attracting and retaining talent, managing data and assessing performance. The review identifies a number of challenges and opportunities for improvement, and is a companion to reviews of the internal governance of two other Mexican energy regulators, the Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment and the National Hydrocarbons Commission, and the review of the external governance of the country’s energy sector, Driving Peformance of Mexico’s Energy Regulators.
  • 12-October-2017


    Driving Performance at Mexico's National Hydrocarbons Commission

    This report applies the PAFER to Mexico’s National Hydrocarbons Commission and assesses its functions, practices and behaviour. It focuses on internal governance, including structures and processes for decision making, managing financial resources, attracting and retaining talent, managing data and assessing performance. The review identifies a number of challenges and opportunities for improvement, and is a companion to reviews of the internal governance of two other Mexican energy regulators, the Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment and the Energy Regulatory Commission, and the review of the external governance of the country’s energy sector, Driving Peformance of Mexico’s Energy Regulators.
  • 31-August-2017


    OECD Telecommunication and Broadcasting Review of Mexico 2017

    The OECD Review of Telecommunication Policy and Regulation in Mexico, released in 2012, provided a comprehensive examination of the sector at the time, highlighting potential areas for regulatory and policy reform. Since then, the Mexican telecommunication sector has experienced substantial progress both from a legal and regulatory perspective, but also with respect to current market dynamics. The changes derive, to an important extent, from the reform that has taken place in Mexico since 2013, which closely reflect the 2012 OECD recommendations. This report assesses subsequent market developments in the telecommunication and broadcasting sectors in Mexico, evaluates the implementation of the 2012 OECD recommendations, and puts forward a number of recommendations for the future. It records the remarkable progress made in implementing policy and regulatory changes and identifies areas where more can be done to continue the momentum that has brought tangible benefits to the people of Mexico.
  • 13-January-2017


    Driving Performance of Mexico's Energy Regulators

    As 'market referees', regulators contribute to the delivery of essential public utilities. The internal and external governance of regulatory agencies are essential to determining how regulators and the sectors they oversee perform. The OECD has developed an innovative framework that looks at the institutions, processes and practices that can enhance regulators’ performance. In this report, the framework is applied to the external governance of Mexico’s energy sector and its three regulatory bodies, the Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment (ASEA), the National Hydrocarbons Commissions (CNH) and the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), following a structural reform of the sector and its regulatory institutions. The review offers insights into the progress and challenges in the implementation of the reform, highlighting the importance of structured co-ordination and accountability mechanisms based on a common strategic agenda, alignment of processes for good regulatory outcomes as well as sufficient operational flexibility. The report is complemented by forthcoming reviews of the internal governance arrangements of the three regulatory agencies, constituting a comprehensive body of work on the regulatory governance of Mexico’s energy sector. 
  • 9-January-2017


    Review of the Regulation of Freight Transport in Mexico

    This publication identifies the main regulatory obstacles of the following transport sectors in Mexico: road transport, railways, ports, border crossing, and airway passengers. The report also offers recommendations to improve the quality of the regulatory framework of these sectors.
  • 6-mars-2015


    Stimuler la croissance et réduire l’informalité au Mexique

    Le Mexique est engagé dans un ensemble audacieux de réformes structurelles qui lui permettront de rompre avec trois décennies de croissance lente et une faible productivité.

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  • 11-avril-2013


    Les déterminants de l'informalité dans les États du Mexique

    L’informalité a des implications importantes sur la productivité, la croissance économique et l’inégalité des revenus. Ces dernières années, la mesure de l’emploi informel a augmenté dans la plupart des États du Mexique, bien que de manière très hétérogène.

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  • 11-avril-2013


    La réforme juridique, la mise en application des contrats et la taille des entreprises au Mexique

    Les systèmes juridiques fournissent les institutions de base pour que les entreprises et les marchés fonctionnent. La qualité du système juridique peut avoir des conséquences importantes sur la distribution de la taille des entreprises. Ces mêmes entreprises comptent sur le système juridique pour la mise en application des contrats.

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  • 25-novembre-2011


    Des politiques macroéconomiques et structurelles contribuant à la stabilisation de l’économie Mexicaine

    Les améliorations du cadre macroéconomique intervenues au cours des deux dernières décennies et la réglementation prudente du système financier ont contribué à réduire l’instabilité de la production au Mexique par rapport aux autres pays de l’OCDE.

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