

  • 4-July-2022


    Italy's National Action Plan for Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development

    Italy's National Action Plan for Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD) brings together the institutional mechanisms, evaluation frameworks and coherence tools needed to integrate sustainable development into government policy making. This Action Plan shows how to streamline existing mechanisms to improve policy coherence across levels of government and to involve civil society more closely in policy formulation. It also suggests how to make the most of complementarities across existing data collection efforts. The Action Plan includes suggestions for better linking mandates across departments and levels of government to avoid overlap and make greater progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Finally, it provides targets and measurable processes for each action to help track progress.
  • 25-September-2021


    Data-Driven, Information-Enabled Regulatory Delivery

    Industries and businesses are becoming increasingly digital, and the COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated this trend. Regulators around the world are also experimenting with data-driven tools to apply and enforce rules in a more agile and targeted way. This report maps out several efforts undertaken jointly by the OECD and Italian regulators to develop and use artificial intelligence and machine learning tools in regulatory inspections and enforcement. It provides unique insights into the background processes and structures required for digital tools to perform predictive modelling, risk analysis and classification. It also highlights the challenges such tools bring, both in specific regulatory areas and to the broader goals of regulatory systems.
  • 27-July-2020


    When the going gets tough, the tough get going: How economic regulators bolster the resilience of network industries in response to the COVID-19 crisis

    This policy brief was developed by the Secretariat of the OECD Network of Economic Regulators (NER) and is based on examples of practice submitted by members of the NER. It reviews emergency measures taken by economic regulators during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure continuity of services in network sectors, as well as to adjust regulatory practices and adapt governance arrangements. It identifies long-term questions and implications of the crisis with regard to market structure, infrastructure investment and the role of regulators.
  • 30-mai-2017


    Favoriser le redémarrage de l’investissement en Italie

    Il est indispensable de stimuler l’investissement pour étayer la reprise naissante et dynamiser la productivité, qui actuellement stagne. L’investissement global a chuté de manière sensible depuis le début de la crise financière, en particulier dans les services.

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  • 1-juillet-2013


    Mise en oeuvre des politiques en Italie : réglementation, administration publique et état de droit

    D’après les indicateurs de politique structurelle de l’OCDE, les réformes lancées par l’Italie depuis 1998 auraient dû fortement améliorer son climat des affaires, mais ses résultats économiques se sont nettement dégradés dans l’intervalle.

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  • 8-décembre-2010


    Examens de l’OCDE de la réforme de la réglementation : rapports par pays

    Le processus d’examen par les pairs, qui est unique à l’OCDE, a permis d’améliorer les politiques publiques. Les examens évaluent comment les pays gèrent la conception, l’adoption et la mise en œuvre des réglementations en fonction d’un cadre conceptuel.

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  • 1-April-2010


    Successful Practices and Policies to Promote Regulatory Reform and Entrepreneurship at the Subnational Level

    This working paper is part of the OECD-Mexico initiative “Strengthening of Economic Competition and Regulatory Improvement for Competitiveness”. It summarises the findings of several case studies on best practices to promote regulatory reform and entrepreneurship at the sub-national level.

    Related Documents
  • 5-juin-2003

    Français, , 677kb

    La réforme de la réglementation dans l'industrie des télécommunications en Italie

    The telecommunications industry has undergone significant regulatory reform over the last decade. By the beginning of 2001, 27 OECD Member countries have liberalised their telecommunications market, including voice telephony, infrastructure inves...

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  • 5-juin-2003

    Français, , 686kb

    Améliorer l'ouverture des marchés grâce à la réforme de la réglementation en Italie

    As trade barriers to trade have fallen, the impact of domestic regulations on international trade and investment has become more apparent than ever. While regulations aim at reaching arguable objectives such as health, safety or the environment, ...

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  • 5-juin-2003

    Français, , 759kb

    La réforme de la réglementation dans les secteurs de l'électricité, du gaz, et des chemins de fer en Italie

    Italy is profoundly changing the role of the public sector in the ?productive sphere.? Until the 1990s, the State was directly involved in production. Public utilities were organised in a monopolistic way, and the State granted concessions and su...

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