
By Date

  • 22-juillet-2010


    Préparer l’adoption de l’euro en Pologne

    Cet article est consacré aux principales réformes structurelles nécessaires à la préparation de l'adoption de la monnaie unique, qui devraient permettre à la Pologne de satisfaire durablement aux critères de Maastricht et de maximiser les différents avantages qu'elle en retirera.

    Documents connexes
    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 20-January-2010

    English, , 653kb

    Doing Better for Children: Presentation to the Polish Parliamentary Social Policy Committee

    Presentation of child well-being indicators in Poland compared to selected OECD countries, policies for the under age 3’s, effects of sole-parenthood on child outcomes, intergenerational inequality and policy recommendations to enhance child well-being.

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  • 20-November-2009


    20 Years After: Panel introduction by Mr. Jan Woroniecki, Ambassador of Poland to the OECD

    This seminar looked at the experience of former communist countries and their achievements as a source of knowledge and hope for our own future. People all over the world have been reviving memories of 20 years ago when the Berlin Wall was finally brought down. Political freedom is priceless. But did it bring about economic and social wellbeing as it should? Did free markets meet expectations? What lessons can we draw from the

  • 18-November-2009


    Poland - Key economic projections

    Economic forecasts for GDP, unemployment, inflation and fiscal balance

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  • 5-septembre-2008

    Français, , 621kb

    La performance environnementale de l'agriculture dans les pays de l'OCDE depuis 1990 : Pologne

    La performance environnementale de l'agriculture dans les pays de l'OCDE depuis 1990 : Pologne

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  • 16-June-2008

    English, , 35kb

    Polish websites on agri-environmental issues

    Links to sites from Poland on agri-environmental issues.

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    Polish, , 480kb

    Wplyw rolnictwa na srodowisko naturalne od 1990 r. Polska Sekcja poswiecona krajowi

    Wplyw rolnictwa na srodowisko naturalne od 1990 r. Polska Sekcja poswiecona krajowi

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  • 1-février-2007

    Français, , 926kb

    Pologne - Phase 2 : Rapport sur la mise en oeuvre de la Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption

    Ce rapport a été approuvé et adopté par le Groupe de travail sur la corruption dans le cadre de transactions commerciales internationales le 18 janvier 2007.

  • 4-August-2006

    English, , 897kb

    Thematic Review of Tertiary Education - Country Background Report - Poland

    This Country Background Report for Poland was prepared for the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland as an input to the OECD Thematic Review of Tertiary Education.

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