

  • 18-June-2007

    English, , 73kb

    Egypt Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

    Egypt is a country of over 74 million people, has a per capita income of $1,250 (GNI, Atlas method) in 2005 and occupies a crucial position in the geopolitics of the Middle East. Less than 5 percent of Egypt’s total 1 million sq. km. land area is settled and cultivated.

  • 13-avril-2007


    Estimations, par mode de fourniture, des obstacles aux échanges de services (version anglaise)

    Document de travail de l'OCDE sur la politique des échanges n° 51. Ce document présente des approches améliorées pour l'estimation, par mode de fourniture, des obstacles aux échanges de services.

    Documents connexes
    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 31-May-2006

    English, , 1,191kb

    GfD Country Action Plans, July 2006

    This document presents the country action plans (CAPs) for public sector modernisation of seven Arab Countries: Bahrain, Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia. The CAPs are one of the key results of the regional policy dialogue of the GfD Initiative.

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  • 22-February-2006

    English, , 451kb

  • 21-June-2005

    English, , 1,651kb

    Egyptian Exporters Association (EXPOLINK) : final evaluation

    The overall conclusions are that ExpoLink has achieved its major goals of providing valuable services to private sector companies in promoting Egyptian exports in key sectors.

  • 2-August-2002

    English, , 3,312kb

    Contract-Financed Techincal Co-operation and Local Ownership, Egypt Country Study Report

    This evaluation deals with contract-financed technical co-operation (KTS) as a particular aid form in Swedish development co-operation. In Particular the study explores the link between local ownerhip and the various characterstics of KTS projects, such as being demand-driven, limited in time, scope and financial volume, involve a competent local partner and based on a contract between a consultant and a local partner (LPO),

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