

  • 6-November-2017


    Social Protection System Review of Cambodia

    In 2017, the Royal Government of Cambodia published a new Social Protection Policy Framework (SPPF), providing an ambitious vision for a social protection system in which a comprehensive set of policies and institutions operate in sync with each other to sustainably reduce poverty and vulnerability.The Social Protection System Review of Cambodia prompts and answers a series of questions that are crucial for the implementation ofthe framework : How will emerging trends affect the needs for social protection, now and into the future? To what extent are Cambodia’s social protection instruments able – or likely – to address current and future livelihood challenges? How does fiscal policy affect social protection objectives? This review provides a contribution to the ongoing policy dialogue on social protection, sustainable growth and poverty reduction. It includes four chapters. Chapter 1 is a forward-looking assessment of Cambodia’s social protection needs. Chapter 2 maps the social protection sector and examines its adequacy. An investigation of the distributive impact of social protection and tax policy is undertaken in Chapter 3. The last chapter concludes with recommendations for policy strategies that could support the establishment of an inclusive social protection system in Cambodia, as envisaged by the SPPF.
  • 26-April-2017


    Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in Cambodia

    Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in Cambodia is the result of a project carried out by the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) and the OECD Development Centre, in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior and with support from the European Union.  The project aimed to provide policy makers with evidence on the way migration influences specific sectors – the labour market, agriculture, education and investment and financial services – and, in turn, how sectoral policies affect migration. The report addresses three dimensions of the migration cycle that have become an important part of the country's social and economic contexts: emigration, remittances and return. The results of the empirical work confirm that even though migration contributes to the development of Cambodia, the potential of migration is not fully exploited. One explanation is that migration only appears to a very limited extent in the National Strategic Development Plan. Many policy makers in Cambodia do not sufficiently take migration into account in their respective policy areas. Cambodia therefore needs to adopt a more coherent policy agenda to do more to integrate migration into its National Strategic Development Plan, improve co-ordination mechanisms and strengthen international co-operation. This would enhance the contribution of migration to development in the country.
  • 23-April-2015

    English, PDF, 276kb

    Policy Note on Participation of Developing Countries in Global Value Chains

    4-page policy note detailing the key results and recommendations from OECD Trade Policy Paper 179 on the Participation of Developing Countries in Global Value Chains.

    Related Documents
  • 23-April-2015

    English, PDF, 711kb

    Summary Paper of Report on Participation of Developing countries in Global Value Chains

    24-page summary paper of the OECD trade policy paper #179 on participation of developing countries in global value chains available on the OECD iLibrary.

    Related Documents
  • 12-August-2013


    Making Growth Green and Inclusive: The Case of Cambodia

    Key questions for development planning today in countries include: Can developing countries strike a balance between economic growth, societal well-being and environmental protection? Can inclusive, green growth be a way forward? This report presents a case study on Cambodia designed to answer these questions.

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  • 16-May-2013


    Innovation in Southeast Asia

    This review provides a quantitative and qualitative assessment of countries’ capacity in S&T and innovation. A regional synthesis highlights current performance and knowledge circulation, and country profiles describe the dynamics of national innovation systems and their relation to international knowledge flows, taking into account the wider framework conditions for innovation.

  • 1-March-2013


    Southeast Asian Economic Outlook 2013 - With Perspectives on China and India

    This edition of the Southeast Asian Economic Outlook examines medium-term growth prospects, recent macroeconomic policy challenges, and structural challenges including human capital, infrastructure and SME development.  It also looks at economic disparities 'between' and 'within' countries in the region.  It provides coverage for Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. While solid growth is forecast to continue until 2017, countries must address structural issues in order to sustain this favourable outlook. Narrowing development gaps presents one of the region’s most important challenges.
  • 14-February-2012

    English, PDF, 767kb

    Democratic development and increased respect for human rights: Results of Swedish support in Cambodia and Vietnam

    programming in Vietnam and Cambodia is intended to add input on programming in Asia to other evaluation materials being integrated into a report for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

  • 20-December-2011

    English, PDF, 5,283kb

    Ex-post evaluation for three projects of the National Geodetic Control Point Installation in Cambodia

    The evaluation found that the organisation of an advisory group that could monitor the overall project was necessary, from the project planning to the execution stage.

  • 13-December-2011

    English, Excel, 1,265kb

    KOICA-MOFAFF Joint Evaluation Report on Rural Development in Cambodia

    The two projects evaluated were found to be relevant to the ODA policies of both KOICA and MOFAFF, as the projects were aimed at supporting the Cambodian government in poverty alleviation and rural development.

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