

  • 17-October-2011

    English, , 1,986kb

    Contextual Choices in Fighting Corruption: Lessons Learned

    Why, despite unprecedented investment in anti-corruption in the last fifteen years and since the implementation of global monitoring instruments and global legislation, have so few countries managed to register progress? These were some of the questions that this report sought to answer.

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  • 13-September-2011

    English, , 4,392kb

    The two-pronged approach: Evaluation of Netherlands support to primary education in Bangladesh

    The evaluation shows that the overall net enrolment rate has increased from 65% in 2000 to 81% in 2009. Equity of access still remains a key concern with children from the poorest quintiles completing primary education at a later age and appearing to drop out more frequently.

  • 30-March-2011

    English, , 2,264kb

    Assessment of Development Results: Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to Bangladesh 2005-2010

    The evaluation found a strategically well positioned and responsive programme that is aligned with national priorities and promotes United Nations values in the country.

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  • 30-March-2011

    English, , 90kb

    Assessment of Development Results: Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to Bangladesh 2005-2010 - Executive Summary

    The evaluation found a strategically well positioned and responsive programme that is aligned with national priorities and promotes United Nations values in the country.

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  • 30-December-2010

    English, , 2,347kb

    Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration - Phase 2 - Bangladesh

    This evaluation assesses aid effectiveness in Bangladesh, as set out in the 2005 Paris Declaration and the 2008 Accra Agenda for Action.

  • 6-October-2010

    English, , 1,543kb

    Evaluation of the Protracted Refugee Situation (PRS) for Burundians in Tanzania

    In 2008, the High Commissioner for Refugees launched a Special Iniative on Protracted Refugee Situations (PRS) to promote durable solutions and improvements in the life of these refugees.

  • 16-March-2010

    English, , 1,122kb

    Country Assistance Evaluation of Bangladesh -Summary-

    This report is a summary of the “Country Assistance Evaluation of Bangladesh”undertaken by the External Advisory Meeting on ODA Evaluation requested by theInternational Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Japan.

  • 6-January-2010

    English, , 861kb

    Measuring Empowerment? Ask them: Quantifying outcomes from people's own analysis; Insights for Results Based Management from the Experience of a Social Movement in Bangladesh

    Measuring Empowerment? shows how participatory assessments can empower and transform relationships, while at the same time generating reliable and valid statistics for what were thought to be only qualitative dimensions.

  • 17-December-2009

    English, , 1,064kb

    Urban Sector and Water Supply and Sanitation in Bangladesh: An Exploratory Evaluation of the Programs of ADB and Other Aid Agencies

    The scope of this evaluation of developments in the urban sector and WSS covers the years 2001-2008.

  • 17-December-2009

    English, , 250kb

    Bangladesh: Third Natural Gas Development Project

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