

  • 17-March-2020


    SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2020 - Assessing the Implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe

    The SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2020 – Assessing the Implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe is a unique benchmarking tool to assess and monitor progress in the design and implementation of SME policies against EU and international best practice. It is structured around the ten principles of the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA), which provide a wide range of pro-enterprise measures to guide the design and implementation of SME policies. This report marks the third edition in this series, following assessments in 2012 and 2016. It provides a comprehensive overview of the state of play in the implementation of the ten SBA principles, and monitors progress made since 2016. It also identifies remaining challenges affecting SMEs in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries and provides recommendations to address them based on EU and international good practice examples. The 2020 edition also features a novelty: An assessment of three new dimensions going beyond core SME policy (competition, contract enforcement and business integrity) looking at key structural reform priorities that are critical to establishing a level playing field for enterprises of all sizes and ownership types.
  • 11-février-2019


    L'Arménie adhère au Cadre inclusif sur le BEPS

    Le Cadre inclusif sur le BEPS accueille l'Arménie parmi les pays et juridictions qui y participent sur un pied d'égalité, portant le nombre de ses membres à 128.

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  • 29-September-2017


    Reforming Sanitation in Armenia - Towards a National Strategy

    This report assesses the state of Armenia’s sanitation services, which are in poor shape, and proposes ways forward for reforming the sector by: ensuring equitable access by all and identifying solutions that work for the poorest and most remote communities; generating economies of scale and scope, and reducing both investment and operational costs for the efficient delivery of sanitation services; and moving towards sustainable cost recovery for the sanitation sector, by identifying how much funding can be mobilised from within the sector and how much external transfers are required. The state of Armenia’s sanitation services are inadequate, with 51% of the population in rural areas using unimproved facilities, causing direct damage to the environment and exposing inhabitants to health risks, and better access but degraded sewerage-system infrastructure in urban areas, posing health hazards due to potential cross-contamination between sewage and drinking water. According to preliminary estimates, EUR 2.6 billion of investments will be required to meet Armenia’s sanitation needs, with approximately EUR 1 billion needing to be spent in the next 7 to 10 years. Given the country’s current economic situation, this investment will have to be spread over time and targeted to avoid further deterioration of infrastructure and increase of the financing gap.
  • 12-September-2017


    OECD Eurasia Week 2017 - Openness for shared prosperity (23-25 October 2017)

    This high-level meeting will be organised for the first time in the Eurasia region, in Almaty, Kazakhstan. This event creates an opportunity to further strengthen relations between the countries of the region and the OECD and serves as a platform for a discussion on a broad spectrum of thematic issues relevant to further improving the region’s competitiveness.

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  • 22-May-2017


    Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in Armenia

    Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in Armenia is the result of a project carried out by the Caucasus Research Resource Center (CRRC-Armenia) and the OECD Development Centre, in collaboration with the State Migration Service (SMS) and with support from the European Union. The project aimed to provide policy makers with evidence on the way migration influences specific sectors – the labour market, agriculture, education and investment and financial services – and, in turn, how sectoral policies affect migration. The report addresses three dimensions of the migration cycle that have become an important part of the country's social and economic contexts: emigration, remittances and return. The results of the empirical work confirm that even though migration contributes to the development of Armenia, the potential of migration is not fully exploited. One explanation is that many policy makers in Armenia do not sufficiently take migration into account in their respective policy areas. Armenia therefore needs to adopt a more coherent policy agenda to do more to integrate migration into development strategies, improve co-ordination mechanisms and strengthen international co-operation. This would enhance the contribution of migration to development in the country.
  • 1-December-2015


    Energy Policies Beyond IEA Countries: Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

    Conveniently located near the world’s fastest growing energy markets, the resource-rich and transit countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia contribute significantly to world energy security. However, shared challenges across the region include aged infrastructure, high energy intensity, low energy efficiency, untapped alternative energy potential and poorly functioning regional energy markets. This publication highlights the energy policies and sector developments of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan during 2013-14 and provides a summary of key recommendations for policy makers in the region. Energy policy analysis is conducted in line with the INOGATE Programme’s four main pillars of energy development: energy market convergence, energy security, sustainable development and investment attraction. Started in 1996, the INOGATE Programme is one of the longest running energy technical assistance programmes funded by the European Union and works within the policy frameworks of the Baku Initiative and the Eastern Partnership. The INOGATE Programme co-operates with 11 Partner Countries to support reduction in their dependency on fossil fuels and imports, to improve the security of their energy supply and to mitigate overall climate change. It also supports the Eastern Partnership, a joint initiative between the European Union, EU Member States, and the Eastern European and Caucasus countries. Launched in 2009, the Eastern Partnership aims at advancing political association and economic integration. This publication has been produced with European Union financial assistance provided through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument.
  • 24-November-2015


    SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2016 - Assessing the Implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe

    The SME Policy Index is a benchmarking tool designed for emerging economies to assess SME policy frameworks and monitor progress in policy implementation over time. The Index has been developed by the OECD in partnership with the European Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and the European Training Foundation (ETF) in 2006.For the Eastern Partner Countries, the assessment framework is structured around the ten principles of the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA), providing a wide-range of pro-enterprise measures to guide the design and implementation of SME policies based on good practices promoted by the EU and the OECD. It is applied to the Eastern Partner Countries for the second time since 2012.The Index identifies strengths and weaknesses in policy design and implementation, allows for comparison across countries and measures convergence towards good practices and relevant policy standards. It aims to support governments in setting targets for SME policy development and to identify strategic priorities to further improve the business environment. It also helps to engage governments in policy dialogue and exchange good practices within the region and with OECD and EU members.
  • 18-September-2012

    English, PDF, 4,283kb

    Evaluation of Water-to-Market Training in Armenia

    The MCC compact with Armenia was a five-year investment(2006-2011) of $177.6 million in two projects: irrigated agriculture and rural road rehabilitation. Although most output and outcome targets were met or exceeded, the evaluation did not detect impacts on adoption, productive income or household income.

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  • 25-April-2011

    English, , 388kb

    Promotion of Food Security, Regional Cooperation and Stability in the Southern Caucasus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (FRCS)

    The programme sought to contribute to stability in the region by supporting the development of the local economy and supporting the setting-up and strengthening of local institutions.

  • 23-March-2011

    English, , 1,086kb

    Guidelines for performance-based contracts between water utilities and municipalities: Lessons Learnt from Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

    This paper presents a summary of the major lessons learnt from the review of five cases of performance-based contracting in the water sector in three countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA), namely Armenia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

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