
Policy Briefs

  • 31-January-2020

    English, PDF, 336kb

    Mexico Policy Brief : Labour Market Inclusion

    Mexico’s employment rate is low compared with other OECD countries. Women, youth and older workers in particular face many challenges in the labour market.

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  • 31-January-2020

    English, PDF, 320kb

    Mexico Policy Brief : Improving business environment and investment

    Investment remains weak, dampening growth, formal job creation and wages.International rankings signal that while Mexico has made significant efforts, there is room to improve regulations at regional and local levels.

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  • 31-January-2020

    English, PDF, 365kb

    Mexico Policy Brief : Health

    Mexico has one of the highest rates of obesity in the OECD, as nearly one in three adults are obese.

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    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 31-January-2020

    English, PDF, 327kb

    Mexico Policy Brief : Education and Skills

    Raising cognitive and workplace skills of adults in Mexico is a multidimensional challenge which requires improving education at early stages of life, increasing the demand for higher skills in the labour market, and upskilling the adult population.

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    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 31-January-2020

    English, PDF, 377kb

    Mexico Policy Brief : Building infrastructure compatible with climate change

    While Mexico needs to increase investment in infrastructure, the government should be mindful of environmental impacts and international commitments.

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  • 24-February-2016

    English, PDF, 361kb

    Overview of Health Policy in Mexico

    Although many health indicators are improving in Mexico, the country has the lowest life expectancy in the OECD. This is due to unhealthy lifestyles with higher risk factors to health leading to chronic diseases and mortality, but also to persisting barriers of access to high-quality health care services.

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  • 26-August-2009

    Spanish, , 368kb

    Estudio Económico de México, 2009

    A pesar de contar con fundamentales más sólidos, México no ha escapado a la recesión económica mundial. La contracción de la industria manufacturera internacional y el colapso de la actividad comercial, de manera notable en Estados Unidos, han deprimido el sector real. La reducida disponibilidad de créditos ha comenzado a afectar la actividad económica, aun cuando el sector financiero ha sorteado, hasta ahora, la crisis mundial. Los

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